Which is better financially, buying a brand new car a couple days before Memorial Day or a couple days after Memorial Day?


If you're financing through Honda, they will probably offer a good deal around Memorial Day. Otherwise, the longer a car sits on the lot, the better deal you get.

If you're buying it cash, congrats. You're a smart person. But if you're leasing or financing it you're a darn idiot. Make better financial decisions!

Makes no difference.

Either, neither, and both.

Are you hoping to finance through Honda Credit? If so, it does not matter because their current finance terms will be running into July.

Regardless on whether you decide to buy before or after the holiday the emphasis is still on you to perform the necessary research which will allow you to find an Accord at the current market rate. Than can be done on any given day of the year.

It does not matter.

If you buy and collect just before Memorial day it will have lost 15% of it's value by the end of the holiday
If you wait until after the holiday it will have lost 15% of it's value by the next weekend.

It just doesn't %^&*()_ matter unless there's a sale before or after Memorial Day.

Getting one GIVEN TO YOU FOR FREE is the best way financially. IMHO.
. Probably Xmas. You could be a good PERSON all year and MAYBE… Just maybe… Under a VERY LARGE XMAS TREE… Perhaps. But you know better with your luck.