Why 1990 honda accord battery will not hold a charge w/a new alternator?
Why 1990 honda accord battery will not hold a charge w/a new alternator?
Most common causes of the time, they're the Battery, the Alternator and Parasitic draw. Auto Zone, Advance auto part stores will check the battery and alternator free of charge so I don't want to talk about how to check or testing.
This video will show you how to test and locate the Parasitic draw on the battery:
You can buy a much cheaper DVOM (Digital Volt Ohm Meter) available at the auto part store where you have the battery and alternator check out to perform the battery Parasitic draw test.
Good hunting and E mail if you have any question or need the wiring diagram for your car or anything else to correct the problem. HTH
Cause the battery no more life left on it
When a battery will not hold a charge there's one of two things wrong. Either the battery has a dead cell or there's something pulling power from the battery. Simply disconnect the negative battery cable and let the vehicle sit overnight. If the battery is still fully charged then you have something draining the battery. Any light that is staying on or any relay that is stuck. If the battery has discharged overnight with the negative cable disconnected then the battery has a dead cell and must be replaced.
The alternator has nothing to do with whether or not your battery will hold a charge. That is a function of the condition of the battery, not the condition of the charge being supplied. Batteries go bad and simply do not last forever.
Id suggest you start at Auto Zone they may be able to give you a good answer.
Drain on battery somewhere (cab lights normally, glove compartment, trunk light) or you just have a bad battery
Because you are refusing to capitalize its name, Honda. Accord. Because the battery is bad. Because it is possessed. A new alternator or any working alternator can't place electrons where they are not welcomed. Most people your age refuse to learn properly as to batteries much like they refuse to write in correct English. Whey they have problems with cars they also refuse to seek help from auto technicians using the smartphone instead to text messages because according to you and people your age all of the planet's problems can be solved via textging. What is a car battery? How it is made? How does it work? What can go wrong with a car battery? Does your phone have a battery/ What do you do when it runs low on power? What if the smartphone battery will not hold a charger? Do you buy a new phone? Hey, that is a though. Buy a new car! Anything else?
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