Do people realize how much pain they inflict when they scratch the hell out of a car in a parking lot?

I worked my *** off to pay for my car. Today, coming out of work. I noticed someone dinged and made a huge scratch to the metal almost on my Honda Civic Si. What's worse is my car is black, so it's very noticeable. That person doesn't know how hard I worked to buy my car. I love it to death. And they had the audacity to not even leave a note! I hate Houston and the animals that live here.

Yeh Houston sucks-I used to live there 4 years ago with my great uncle

people down there are just ******* stubborn and disrespectful

They might have done that out of jealousy. I suggest you install cameras in your car. My dad has a corvette and that's what he does because you never know what jealous idiot will do when they pass by it.

People hate nice cars, especially black ones. Civic is not an expensive car, but I imagine it looks pretty good in black. Also, a lot of people aren't careful in the parking lots, so it is quite likely that your car will be bumped.
I prefer to park in secure parking lots that have a lot of space available. That's why I often take public transportation.

I'm sorry about that. And I understand. Xxx

Does it still run? Yes

will it last another decade with proper maintenance? Yes

what's the problem, who cares what a honda civic lookes like, its a civil, a basic commuter sedan, not made for looks but for reliability

Oh man, that's funny as hell. Last year I keyed a guy's Ferrari.

Black is not a good color to choose for at night it can't be seen well so you insurance premiums will also be higher with a black car.

Yes, I understand.
I bought my MDX many years ago, got dinged on the first hour after parking it at my Condo complex. The dealer fixed it for me for free. A few days later, another ding at work.
It is impossible to keep your/our cars free from dings and scratches specially when we drive it and park it in public.
I just let it go. It is ugly, but its not for show, it still reliable and takes me from point A to point B. No point in spending more money to make it look perfect just for some losers to scratch it and ding it again.