What to do when you leave a note when you hit a car in the parking lot?

So my sister was learning to drive in my car she doesn't have a license and I don't have insurance. She hit the side of a parked Honda where I live. I left a note with my name, number, time, and that she was learning how to drive, I don't have insurance and that I would pay for the damages. They contacted me two days later saying hi, you left a note on my car about hiring my car.

How should I respond?

You should respond that you are responsible for the damage and PAY them for it. Even if you have to make payments on it, and have your sister pay half the debt. She might as well learn that without insurance, damage All comes out of your pocket.

If you don't have insurance, nobody should have been driving. You both broke the law. Leaving a note was noble but now you have opened up a can of worms. If there's damage to the other car then you will have to pay for it out of pocket and these people can sue you if you refuse. They can also try to exaggerate the bill since there's no way to regulate and prove the actual cost of damages without going through the proper legal processes. You can ask them to get quotes for the repairs from a few different shops of their choice. They can mail you copies of the quotes and you can mail them a check to cover the cost of the least expensive one. Be sure to call all of the shops to confirm that the quotes are legitimate and accurate before giving anyone money. Pay the person with a check to prove that you covered the requested cost; you can write "car repairs" on the memo line. If they insist on receiving cash, refuse and say that you can only pay them by check.

You respond by talking to them! Not just trading e mails and voice mails.
Then they will ether want you to pay the repair cost. Or sometimes people will just want the money for damaging their car and not have it repaired. They might rather have the $ and leave the dent in the car. Ether way, its up to them. Just be sure to have them sign a release that that shows that you paid them. I had the ins just cut me a check before for damage done to my car. I preferred to keep the $ 1300 than repair the dent in my old car.

You should respond by picking up the phone and saying hello when it rings. Then you should pay for the damage you caused (the owner is responsible for accident damage, not the driver) like you agreed to do in writing.

You're hoping there's some magical way out of this, right? Well, there isn't. You decided to gamble, you lost, you wrote it down on paper, and now you're stuck. Whatever it costs to repair the damage to the Honda, that's how much you need to pay.

You do what you say you will do in the note. It doesn't matter who was driving, YOU are responsible for the damages to the other vehicle. Have them obtain an estimate to repair the car, and then pay them. Have them sign a release of liability before you pay them the money. Then, go get insurance.

What do you mean "how should I respond"? You respond by telling the person you are willing to pay for the damages you caused. Have the other party get an estimate of the damage repair and cut them a check for whatever amount it might be. Otherwise, they will in all likelihood take you to a court of law to do so.

Tell them to go get an estimate from a repair shop for the cost of the repairs and that you will pay the full cost of those repairs since you have no insurance (very stupid). Do you realize that if this accident had destroyed someone's car and injured them, your life would be over as you know it. You would be sued for every dollar you and your family have.

Why are driving illegally without insurance?

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