Is insurance higher on SUVs?

I read somewhere that insurance will be higher for a jeep or suv than something like a Honda civic, is this true?

A variety of things go into the mix, but generally, a little more expensive when compared with a comparably priced sedan.

Can you even buy a civic for the same price as an SUV.

Insurance goes up if the car costs more, if it has a more powerful engine, and if the sttistics show that it is the type of car more often involved in accidents.

The age and experience of the driver, and where he/she lives is probably going to be even more significant.


Sort of, but it's a little more specific than that.

Insurance is higher on vehicle models that have higher accident rates.

This includes most vehicles that are called an SUV.

Whether the vehicle really is an SUV or not doesn't make as much of a difference. The name is what matters.

One company tried selling two identical models of vehicles, but calling one an "SUV" and the other a "minivan". Everything was the same, except for the name.

The ones called "SUV" had higher accident rates than average vehicles, so insurance for them would be more expensive.

The ones called "minivan" didn't have higher accident rates than average vehicles, even though they were exactly the same vehicles, except for the name.

(By the way, if you're wondering, the name is not what causes accidents. The driver does. But unmarried childless male drivers are more likely to buy vehicles named "SUV", and more likely to have accidents, and mothers are more likely to buy vehicles named "minivan", and less likely to have accidents.)

You can't use that, carte blanche, as a rule of thumb. You can find some coupes that cost more than some suvs, or some jeeps. It's also going to matter how old the vehicle is - there's a significant price drop in the cost of collision and comprehensive coverages, once the vehicle - ANY vehicle - is five years old.