Is insurance on 4 dr. Car always cheaper than a 2 dr. Car?

I'm 19 and looking at cars. I'm not looking at anything fast.

I don't want to end up buying a 2 dr. Geo Metro hatch or Honda Civic to save gas if I have to pay insurance like I drive a sports car!

Are 2 door cars always considered 'sports cars' insurance wise?

Want the cheapest car insurance? Think 4.

4 doors, 4 cylinders, 4 dents in the body (meaning you are not buying comprehensive and collision)

I love Kevin's answer. Absolutely true. Buy an older car that is paid in full if possible. If not possible, buy an older car with 4 doors. Honda Civic is the best car around, Toyota Corolla is too.

If you want a car that is the most dependable one ever that will never quit on you, as long as you change the oil, is the Toyota Corolla.

No, that's not true.

Some 2 door cars are cheaper than some 4 door cars. A 2 door car isn't automatically a sports car.

A Geo Metro is going to be cheaper than a Honda Civic. Saturns are cheaper than Hondas. Volvos are cheaper than all of them.

Depends entirely where you live.

what ever you buy, Buy it in cash.
will save u 1000s yrly in insurance costs

NO the number of doors does not affect the cost of Insurance.

No, the number of doors won't impact the insurance premium. Purchase the State Minimum Coverage to have the lowest premium.

No they are not. It is a function of horsepower, engine size, speed capability, etc.