My 2001 Honda Civic is overheating and I can't figure out why?

I have replaced the radiator cap, coolant reservoir, and thermostat. Also, I check the fans at various times and everytime they are running fine. Lastly, I'm not sure if this information helps, but I live in southern Louisiana where it is almost always hot. I'm a poor 25 year old female college student and I have no idea what else to do.

There are more components have to be in good working condition in order to cool down the engine: The more common failed ones are: The radiator, the water pump, the head gasket etc.

The fans has low and high speeds. Are you sure both of them functioning as both speeds? How hot the engine run? It may very well the cooling system still have air in it or the NEW thermostat has failed and sticking. Is the car loosing coolant?

A simple cooling system pressure test will reveal if the engine has any exterior leak or internal leak (Head gasket has failed).

I would suggest you to have an estimate of repair from your local repair shop or update the information so we can see more into the overheat problem and give out properly advices. What is your intention? Want to repair/ correct the problem yourself or just want to see what you have to deal with?

It'll not make sense to show you how to check into the problem to find the cause(s) and you have to pay someone else for the repair in my humble opinion. I've lived in Texas since 1975 so I've known what you mean. Give us more into details and what you want to do with the repair and we can help. HTH

Edit: We're all wanting to help so the more information you provide will help us to see what would be the best for your case besides saving money.

Okay, on order to check if your thermostat is working, there should be two thick hoses going in to the engine from the radiator, while the car is running touch both of them (be careful they're hot!) if they are both hot then the thermostat is fine, now I'm assuming you don't have any leaks, so make sure your coolant level is okay, and flush your radiator (Google how to) and after that bleed your radiator (let the car run on a cold start with the radiator cap off) until bubbles stop coming out. That should clear any blockage they radiator hoses might have (which can cause overheating) also make sure your fans kick on while it's running.

It sounds like it could be a head gasket. Which can cost alot of money to replace. Take it to a mechanic to get an estemate. But do not keep driving it while the temprature light is on it can up the price ALOT more becasue it will warp the engine parts.

Bypass the heater core to see it if is corroded, thus restricting coolant flow.