Why do advertisers call my cell phone?

I'm at the point where I'm getting terse and extremely rude at them because one called and asked if I had bought a Honda civic in the last three months at 9 AM for some reason. (It woke me up) Every time I tell them I'm only 14 and that I do not own a car or any property. The cell phone is under my name and not my parents' names. What can I do?

Added (1). Also one of them called a week ago if I was 65 or older and I said no and then they called me the next day and asked if I was 55 or older and I told them to stop calling me and they did.

Just hang up, if you have caller ID on the phone just let it ring, or turn it off. By the way, if you are 14 the phone can't be in you name, you can't have a phone in your name until you are 18 or over.

I get spam about Viagra from USA, I'm a girl and from Austrslia! Explain that.

Next time they call say, "Add me to your Do Not Call List, and if I get another call from your company I will take legal action." You have to say "Do Not Call List" because that is the legal term that they MUST follow if you say those words. If they call you after that, its called harassment. But it's important to say "Do Not Call List".

Cause they don't care if they wake you up, turn off your phone when youre sleeping, also, you could put your number on donotcall.gov and you won't get as many calls

Are you sure it's telemarketers? That sounds like something teenagers would do to each other as a prank. Even if telemarketers are calling you, it's probably because someone who knows you gave them your phone number. If you confront the person who did it, it may make him/her stop telling people your phone number, but the advertisers will continue to call for a while afterwards.

It is possible that someone else "owned" your number at one time. You can tell people who call to put you on their "no call" list and you could speak to your carrier about getting a different number.

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