Do the Honda Clarity fuel cell and Toyota Mirai fuel cell cars require an air intake filter change just like traditional ICE cars do?
Do the Honda Clarity fuel cell and Toyota Mirai fuel cell cars require an air intake filter change just like traditional ICE cars do?
Ask Keisuke Honda about it
- What will adding a cold air intake filter do to my 1997 corolla? Do these things add mpg? Hp? I don't plan on ricing it out I was just wondering. I sometimes see old hondas and toyotas and they have these along with a ridiculous body kits lol.
- I have a 2015 Honda rancher that had a crack in the air box. It got so much dirt through the air filter it got into my piston. So it now Burns oil and I was wonder will it ever stop smoking. I know I have to rebuild the engin so don't even say it. And how long will it take before it losses power.
- Honda fcx clarity dangerous? The honda fcx clarity runs off hydrogen only and i was wondering isn't that dangerous considering that hydrogen is very flamable? Did they make a solution for that?
- I bought a 05 honda civic last year, and I wanted to know what aftermarket cold air intake I have? It has no label, so I'm confused on how to identify what it is. I need to know that and also need to know what kind of air filter it is… It desperately needs to be cleaned. Any help would be nice. I'd add a photo but at the moment I can't.