An auto-clutch for a Honda Rebel?

I'm about to get my first motorcycle gear and I'm about to take my first MSF course. I'm extremely excited. The thing is, is there an auto-clutch for cruiser bikes? Like a Honda Rebel specifically? I'm a young rider, 16, and the last thing I want on the road is to stall within any type of traffic because I was switching gears. People say riding with a clutch is easy and I guess I'll find out if I find it easy, but just in case I struggle with the concept, can you reference me to an auto-clutch for a Honda Rebel?

You will NOT need an auto-clutch for the Rebel. You are going to the MSF class. You will learn how to handle the clutch/shifting -- or you will fail the class. Fail the class and you will not get your motorcycle permit! See! No Problem!

But you will not fail the class.

You will learn how to use a clutch in your MSF course. Automatic transmissions are dangerous on anything other than a little scooter. Learn how to ride properly.

A number of step throughs & scooters are autos or use centrifugal clutches - you could look at one of those or you could spend the 1/2 hr needed to learn how to ride with a clutch.
Gear changing on a smallish bike is so simple there's no real need for an auto

The only time people stall is when setting off from still, not when moving and changing gear. I've not heard of a retro-fit auto-clutch for any motorcycle, though that proves nothing.

Just learn to shift. It will be hard at first, but then you will be able to do it without even thinking. By the way… Learn to drive a stick shift, manual transmission car while you are at it. You are handicapping yourself by not knowing how to shift. Kids today! I love driving a stick and I love shifting my bike. It gives me the control, not some engineer who designed it without my taste in mind.

Harley Davidson has it for their bikes… Called Rekluse

Yes my old 87 Rebel can run 65 on the freeway all day and then some I've ridden it across the state of Michigan thrice it tops out at 72mph and just buzzes along but you aren't going to set any speed records

I need an auto clutch since I had a stroke six years ago my left hand is kind of useless so I need the auto disconnect at stop lights but if my left still worked I can shift but still need some help at stops

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