Honda Shadow Spirit 750 Across Country, Can it make it?

I'm planning on taking my Honda Shadow 750 across the US for about a month, maybe even more. Making stops, camping, all that stuff. I changed my sprocket to a 38t and I just wanted to make sure it can make it that length of time and distance without problems. It has about 18,000 miles on it and I will be getting it detailed before the trip. Any advice would be great.

I had a 1983 Honda Shadow VT-700 that I rode from San Francisco to Indianapolis and from San Diego to Phoenix to Indianapolis to Little Rock. On the second trip I put a removable windshield on it and removable saddlebags and cruise control, it was a better trip because of them. BTW, you CAN fall asleep on a motorcycle, so don't drive tired.

Carry some cash and a credit card, cell phone now. Sheepskin seat cover is nice, 2 water bottles and something to snack on- peanuts, snickers bars, sardines in small pop top can and crackers is some of my old standards. Folding army/boy scout type cots can be put crossways on back of seat, beat sleeping on cold, hard ground. Extra bottle of engine oil, can of WD40, roll of duct tape, vise grips and crescent wrench will handle lots of things. New tubeless tires hard to handle on road- but can of fix-a-flat works for small puncture to get to tire store. Did the old tube tire a couple time on road side for /2 BMWs and old Harley- tire irons, small bicycle pump and patch kit if no extra tube can get over 3/4 of flat repaired. Rain suit is normal carry in Wisconsin or at least the top.

I don't see any reason why the bike would not be good for a long road trip. That bike typically gets 45mpg. Would be interesting to see how the sprocket affects gas mileage. Generally, Most bikes run at peak torque for the prevailing speed for the country they are made for. Used to be that bikes would run at peak torque at 55 mph. Then, the speed went to about 70mph for most roads. It took a few years for the industry to catch up. As that is about the time it takes to bring a new idea to the showroom. Going to a smaller sprocket is the way to go. You might want to invest in an autolube for the chain to extend its life. But, other than that you should have no trouble.

Been to NYC and back on a knucklehead chopper, if that old bike could do it so can your Shadow! Phx, to Brooklyn and back!

No reason why the motorcycle can't make the trip. I'd be more concerned about the capabilities of the rider.

If you don't already have a windshield, get one. You'd be surprised how much more relaxed you feel when you don't have the wind beating on you all the time.

Sure, just take care of it and it will take care of you but take care of yourself also.

I rode from San Diego to Portland, OR and back on a Honda Super 90 many years ago, took me over a month but I stopped and enjoyed life as I went. Don't think I want to try it again, still… Don't get me started.LOL!


Get AAA with motorcycle towing and bring a cell phone.

If you do break down there are lots of Honda dealers.

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