In Vermont State and New York State, are both headlights and front brake lever required on a motorcycle to be operated in New York State?

The motorcycle is a 2008 Honda

CBR600RR super sport motorcycle.

Headlights (and tail/brake lights) ARE required. Front brakes are not required, but strongly recommended.

Seems way too complicated to require brakes AND lights (how unreasonable!) but that's the law, dude. Butcha ain't gotta actuate the brakes with a brake lever, you could do it with a linked system from the foot pedal. You are so ambitious, wanting to design your own linked brake system. Way to go!

I'm sorry, doesn't a CBR600RR come with those things? Why would you take them off?

There's probably an exception for riders who are for some reason unable to operate a lever.

But generally if a headlight is fitted or intended to be fitted it should function.

Perhaps contacting the legislative office is the way to go.