Should i get a dirtbike or computer?

Should i get a honda dirtbike or buy $4500 or $6000 of parts for computter so dirtbike or computer custom built by me?

Okay so given that we have no idea about your lifestyle or what you require a $4500 super computer for. Consider this.
If you choose dirt bike: you can't ride it everyday or even all year long say if you live in a place where it snows.
Dirt bike mightsound cool but won't help you say on a resume or even secure a girls number (cruiser's are more manly).
You might get killed! Trust me once you get killed in real life, you Don't reanimate.
The only way it will help you is if you end up becoming a dirt bike rally champion (in that case you would have started young and would have already owned one and would be asking us)
Now the computer: $4500 super computer. Am guessing your either an elite gamer or a programmer or graphic designer or some sort meaning that this computer is life.
You can generate enough money with using this computer to buy a dirt bike on the side.
Computer can be used all day/ year long without getting killed.
So yeah. Umm computer my suggestion

Dirtbike. It will last longer.

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