I got a new car as a Christmas gift but I don't like it. How can I exchange it?

I got a Honda Pilot but I wanted a Honda CR-V. I don't need a 3rd row seat and gas mileage isn't that great.

So how many days do I have to exchange it without penalty? I heard 3 days.

What a SPOILED BRAT. Your parents should return it for a BIKE, or TENNIS SHOES so you can walk everywhere.

How could they make such a huge mistake. Surely you told them exactly what you wanted. Return it pronto for what you really want.

Nope. You don't get ANY time to change your mind. Auto sales don't work that way. You CAN go back to the dealer and talk about a trade, but you will pay a substantial penalty

Zero days, skippy.

I don't think you can return it but go back to the dealer and talk out the options.
And now for my opinion of you: Very spoiled, wow you got a freaking expensive car as a GIFT as in for FREE and you don't want to keep it. So nice.


You heard wrong. There's no right to return or exchange a vehicle, unless the dealer offers that privilege. In most cases, you would have to trade it in at a 15-20% loss and buy the car you want