Trying to run an office trailer lights and tv w/1000 Honda EU?

Generator running and no power to outlets or lights in trailer. Used RV plug and an adapter to standard 3 prong plug. Any ideas?

The office trailer should have a main panelboard, with circuit breakers. There may also be a separate service disconnect switch. Check all switches and breakers, including the fuses that may be part of the service disconnect switch.

Get a bigger genset. At least a 2500. The toy you have is good for a few lights and that is it. Also turn the breakers on except the main if you are on the grid. You really should have a qualified professional electrician do the work. If you are wired to the grid install a transfer switch first.

Hope it is a small TV.

Be sure that the home panel or outside panel/master switch is not ON -- you need to determine how many watts and amps you are trying to power === if the power comes back ON you will be putting too much voltage to the mobil/trailer wiring…