Can I trade in my car to a dealer (in CA) if it won't pass smog?

I've spend hundred dollars already trying to get it to pass! I had it retested today, and was shocked that it failed again! I'm at a loss at this point, it's a 95 Honda Accord Ex, high mileage… But runs great! (New transmission a few years ago too). I just can't keep putting money into it and diagnostic fees! I'm aware that you can't sell to a private party if it failed… But will a dealership take it as a trade in? Please help I'm beyond frustrated! My registration has been paid for months but because of the failed smog I can't get my updated tags. Damn California!

Maybe you can sell it out of state, to a state which doesn't have Cali's strict emissions rules.

If you have spent hundreds of dollars to get it a pass you have been ripped off, take it to a honda specialist( not a dealer) and get it checked and get a report on EXACTLY what is wrong

Dealerships will determine this themselves. You can trade a junker, they just won't give you much for it.