How long does it take a Honda Accord battery to fully charge?

My car battery died today. This is the second time this has happened within 3 months (Honda said the first time that the battery tested good).

I don't use the car often and live about 10 minutes from work. I feel like the cold affected it this time? Or could it be a combination of that and the fact i'm not using the car besides to go to work really…

This is a certified pre owned vehicle i've own for less than 1 year

Short trips and the cold kills batteries. Buy a trickle charger and connect it to your car when it is in the garage. Take the car on the freeway for an hour once in a while.

That would depend on the type of charger you are using.

If you don't use the vehicle that often, and drive it less than 10 miles from work, you're just not using the car enough to keep the battery charged. You NEED to get the car out and drive it at highway speeds for AT LEAST 30-45 minutes every week or so just to keep the battery up to a full charge. If you can't do that, then you need to plug in to a battery maintainer or "trickle charger" that will keep your battery up.

Shop on Ebay or to find a trickle charger for your car.

How old is the battery?
Go to an auto parts store. They test batteries and charging systems for free.
Idling the motor won't charge a battery.
You need to use a portable battery charger set to 12 volts, 10 amps, for 6 hours to charge a car battery.