How much should it cost to replace an oil pan gasket on a 2007 honda accord?
How much should it cost to replace an oil pan gasket on a 2007 honda accord?
How much should it cost to replace an oil pan gasket on a 2007 honda accord?
My 1991 Honda Accord Recently Started making a Sqeeling sound Like When you tighten metal tight and it rubs making a High Pitched Err sound. The tires are Not Rubbing on anything it sounds and feels like its coming from the steering collume or mabey somthing with power steering cause the serpentine belt sqeels on startup but when driving the steering wheel makes noise what could this be
I recently got into a four-car accident where the guy ran a red right as we were pulling out from a multi lane to make a left turn. We went through the process of getting each other's info and have been talking to each of our insurance companies. My 2002 Honda Civic's front bumper has been completely knocked off (no mech. Damage however). I was given an estimate of $4,500-$5,000 to repair/replace, however I was informed the guy's insurance only has a $10,000 limit. The other victim's car (2012 Hyundai) Had a considerable amount of font damage that would probably amount to more than my estimate. Finally, the last victim's car only has minor damage (license plate knocked off).
Insurance is saying they'll have to split the $10,000 limit accordingly. Meanwhile, I might be out $3,000. What are my other options for offsetting this amount (small claims court/car trade-in)? Please and thank you!
Added (1). very helpful; thanks for your answers. We have spoken w/ victim #1's insurance co &have provided statement. They've informed that they've been attempting to contact him, however have failed to reach him. Subsequently, the guy we've attempted to reach has finally returned calls & told us he's hired a lawyer for 'injuries' (he's capable of camping:/ ). He's been advised not to make any statements to insurance. Now I'm not sure what to do/what are my rights? Only the pending police statement.
2000 honda accord lx, it won't start but the lights and stereo and everything turn on but it doesn't even crank. There's a cable that is sort of worn and when i would wiggle that cable it would start right up but now that doesn't work. I was told to replace that cable but i don't know how to search it on autozone website to know the price… Please help as soon as possible.
When i get out my house the car drives fine and couples of minutes when i press on gas the car dosent go then accerlarates really quick i changed the tranmission fluid oh and it has the check engine light on
Is a 2010 Honda Accord "cool" for a first car?
How to replace left rear view mirror on a Honda Accord?
I have a 1999 Honda Accord that's still reliable but repairs come up from time to time.2 months ago, i coudnt open my gas tank to put gas and it turned out that the cable to open the hood and gas tank is out so I need to get it replaced. I haven't gotten that fixed since it won't effect the performance of my car.
However, when I took my car for service, i was informed that my suspension is almost out and it will cost me $500 to get it fixed since I need the entire syteem replace. They said if I don't get it fixed it will damaged my tires eventually.
So is it worth it putting money in this car? Are repairs going to keep coming up?
I have a Honda Accord and it has a D4, D3, D2, and D1. I only use D4. What is the point of the other ones?
And also when would you use neutral? Like when you're going down a huge hill?
Honda Accord EX 2013 not moving when not pressing gas?
Added (1). Usually when a car with an automatic transmission system is put into drive, it "crawls" forward at about 5 mph without stepping on the acceleration pedal. My Honda Accord EX 2013 only sometimes "crawls" forward and sometimes it does not. Is there something wrong with my car?