Unsecured personal loans?

First of all I want Help not critisism or a lecture.
I have Honda accord Euro with 20,000 dollars owing on it. I want to buy a Ute for 18,000 and I would like another,$4000 for a holiday.
So I would like a $42,000 personal unsecured loan. This will pay out my car, pay for to Ute and get me my holiday. The car I'm paying out will be sold and the money put into this loan.
Any ideas where I can get this loan approved?

How to remove this from top of my car's dash?

My car is a 2000 Honda Accord SE. I had some slight oil smudges that were on the dashboard do to dirty hands. I had cleaned it with warm water mixed with little liquid dish soap with a soft sponge. Then I I cleaned and wiped dry with paper towels. Everything came out ok but this spot. I don't know what it is but a it's not a stain. It came after I cleaned. Does anyone know how to get this removed?How to remove this from top of my car s dash

How much will my insurance go up?

I'm 19 year old male, driving a honda accord 96' I'm paying $170.00 it is under my name I want to buy a new car (Nissan Altima 09'-13') I would like to have an idea on how my insurance will change, I've been driving for 1 year if that helps.

Quitting a decent paying job? - 1

Quitting a decent paying job?
I'm in my mid 30's single, no kids, no girlfriend. Have a high school education with a little college(years ago), I live alone in modest apartment. No debt except for utilities, insurance. Recently, I've decided to trim my lifestyle so I could be debt free and in anticipation of taking a pay cut. I gave up my smartphone which was almost 90$ a month and went with a pay as you go flip phone. Sold my 2011 Honda accord with the 389$ a month payment, bought a paid for 2004 Ford Taurus. No car debt now. I always eat at home now. I make about 35k a year now, honestly the money is good for the job but I want out. Tired of the drama, political correctness and corporate baloney. Some of the people too ugh… I know if I quit I would have to start over again and take a major paycut. My family thinks I've lost my mind, tells me I would be foolish to quit but I can't take it anymore. Has anyone here ever walked away from a good paying job to save your sanity? I will secure another job before I quit this one but as I said I know I will have to take a big pay cut. Am I wrong?