Honda Accord sport down payment?

How much will I need to put down as a down payment to have a low monthly bill like 100$ or lower. Will a $2,000 down payment be enough for a Honda Accord sport 2017 which are around $25,000

2001 honda accord no brake pressure?

I have changed the master cylinder and front pads and bled the lines using the 2 person method and yet i have no pressure at all while the car is running but while its off it seems to continuously gain pressure could someone help me figure this out please

Why when I rev my car in drive, it doesn't accelerate?

Honda Accord 2008 sedan LX 2.4L 199k miles automatic transmission. I was accelerating pretty fast and I was reaching 4000 rpm when my car made a huge sound and shaked, I thought I hit something, then my engine made a huge sound when I put it in park so I turned off the car. I turned it back on, it started, when I put it in drive it made a loud sound for half a second, again I pressed the gas and it reved but didn't move, but the speedometer was going to 40-50mph but the car wasn't moving. I put it in park and it makes a huge loud continuous sound, so I turned off the car. I put it in neutral to roll it. Then I put it in park and the car still rolls! I had it towed to a transmission shop but I want to know what it could be now! I'm in highschool currently a senior and I can't concentrate right now because I need to know what is wrong with my car!

Why when I rev my engine in drive, it doesn't move?

Honda Accord 2008 sedan LX 2.4L 199k miles. I was accelerating pretty fast and I was reaching 5000 rpm when my car made a huge sound and shaked, I thought I hit something, then my engine made a huge sound so I turned off the car. I turned it back on, it started, when I put it in drive it made a loud sound for half a second, again I pressed the gas and it reved but didn't move. I put it in park and it makes a huge loud continuous sound, so I turned off the car. I put it in neutral to roll it. Then I put it in park and the car still rolls! Please don't tell me it's my transmission because I'm a senior in high school and that would be really bad.

Scion tc 2012 wheels on a Honda Accord coupe 2010?

I have purchased scion tc wheels with tires for 350 dollars off of a local trading app. I also replaced two of the tires for another 120 dollars. When I try to put it on my accord my mechanic told me that it won't fit. What's my best option at this point?

Am I going to get a ticket or arrested for hitting a deer?

I was driving home at 2 AM last night and a deer ran in front of me on route 21. The deer was kinda limping along and i just left and I feel really bad. It caused the front end on my 03 honda accord to be pushed in. Should I have called the police to get a police report or would they have given me a ticket.

Added (1). Insurance totalled my car…

Are ball joints for a car expensive?

I have a 1990 honda accord. My ball joints have been slowly making more and more noises but now it's horrific and i'm afraid of driving the car. I just want like a ball park estimate of how much it will cost me. I was actually in the middle of putting money away for a new car because this car is just too old and too many problems. The door doesn't open on the drivers side, the window is off alignment, the speedometer doesn't work, the engine light goes on and now the brakes are messed up, there squeeking.

What damage can occur driving with all cylinders misfiring?

I had a costumer ask me a funny question today at work and it actually stumped me… His 4 cylinder Honda accord was misfiring on all cylinders it was obvious the distributor was bad he was hard headed and wouldn't listen to me about anything anyways he asks me will can i drive it? I said… Well you could but it wouldn't be good for the engine, he then asks me well what could happen? Lol i basically got stumped… I didn't know how to explain to this man what exactly kind of damage can occur if your driving with all 4 cylinders of the engine misfiring the entire time… So what would you say could be damaged? Besides the entirety of the engine… With all the ignition parts and timing pieces, sensors and electronics?

Buying a brand new car for learning stick shift?

I'm 16. I have about 38 hours in. In June I'll get my license. I want to learn stick shift and i have a general idea about it since i was studying it online for a while now. Yesterday, my dad and I had a conversation about cars and that he will only buy me a brand new car. The thing is, he is overly protective and says he can't trust used cars. Like I said, I have a general idea and that starting out from Shift 1 is the most challenging thing of all in learning stick shift. Obviously I'm gonna go to different brands to try out (Honda Accord, Mazda6, Hyundai Sonata, etc…) But will I be ok? With no past experience on stick shift? OH, PS. Learning from a friend, buying an old car to learn is not an option. NOBODY that I know drives stick…