What is wrong with my car's brakes?

When I was driving my car today, I noticed that I was having trouble stopping. The car doesn't brake at all until the pedal is to the floor. The brakes seemed a little "soft" yesterday, but I didn't think anything of it. They were perfectly fine 2 days ago. I drive a 2000 Honda Accord with 2 disc and 2 drum brakes.

I had my tires rotated 3 days ago. Could something have happened then?

Or you have a serious leak somewhere in the brake system. Anyway, you need the attention of a professional mechanic, immediately.

Your tire rotation had nothing to do with it. If you didn't hear any high pitched squealing while braking then it is likely you need brake fluid. But if you did hear noises then you need new pads for the discs or shoes for the drums.

So - the brakes were soft yesterday but you didn't think anything of it.

No nothing would have happened to them when they rotated them. More than likely you have beyond low pads in either the front or rear.

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