I need a car guy's help please. Ok i have a 1996 honda civic ex stick shift with a single cam

I recently just changed my clutch on the car because the one that came with the car needed to be replaced. Car drives good but the clutch does have air in it. I have been told i have to wait about 500 miles before actually going fast in the car as i want, which i have, now i had my first race yesterday and my car was acting funny, first gear is fine and also second, but third gear hesitates like it wants to stop then it jumps and drives again, it only does that when my RPM is around 4,500 to 5,000. On the way back home it shifted gears like new again because my RPM wasn't so high. I had someone else drive it as well and they said it could be my computer to the car, others say it might be the transmission can someone give me suggestions?

Why have you not bled the clutch properly?
Did you do a full clutch? The transmission will not affect the engine jumping.

"racing" a 21 year old Honda Civic?

Your problems have just begun.

Hi so with a 21 years old car you should not be racing it anyway not unless you want a bucket full of bits which you scrap up off the road surface. Car of this age should be treated with care and respect other wise your back to walking everywhere.

All the malfunction is due to your recklessness.

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