I have a 2015 Honda Civic coupe lx.can I leave my headlights on?

I've recently been leaving my lights on when I get out the car. The car automatically turns the lights off a few seconds after I lock the car & when I unlock the car they turn on. There's no auto switch for the lights. So my question is my car designed where I can leave my headlights on after a drive?
I actually like doing it especially when its dark outside

Honda Civic Coupe 2003 Overheats on idle. What would be the cause?

I just bought a Honda Civic Coupe 2003 on Monday and been driving it to make sure its good (used car, dealer) It was going a bit passed half way which is normal but I drove it yesterday and was stopped on a red light a while and it went all the way up to the red line.
After that I U-turned back to my parking lot structure at my office and drove in and out to get flow going. It then went back down half way then 1 line less than half way. I kept driving down the street and would not heat back up unless I idled too long.
I stopped ate at an In N Out and drove home and didn't heat back up again since it cooled down.
I'm took a picture and will take it to dealer today but want to see if anyone has an answer to what it could be so when I show him the pic I can let him know what he might want to check so they can fix it. I have 30 day warranty or 1000 miles.

Please help will be going in about 4 hours. Thanks everyone!

Added (1). More info on car:
81,000 Miles (zeros are some numbers)
Tried with AC on and off both went little over half way.

Added (2). I will be closing this issue in 4 hours. Any more answer with more info or advices is much appreciated.
Thanks everyone!

Added (3). Thank you for all the advice on my question, Heading to dealer now and have this fixed.

Is it possible to trade in a used car for another used car?

I bought a 2013 Toyota Yaris about 4 months ago. I bought mainly because it was cheap and fuel efficient. But I realized I don't really like. So I'm have buyers remorse. Is it possible to trade it in for another used car? I was thinking of getting a Honda Civic or a Volkswagen Jetta. How long should I wait to do the trade in?

My 2004 Honda civic lx 1.7 is leaking coolant and builds up a lot of pressure?

I have changed the thermostat, thermostat sensor, radiator, hoses, and new fans. There's no antifreeze in my oil nor is it leaking from the exhaust and my car sounds and runs great but I've noticed that when it is parked for the night and I go to check it in the morning there's no coolant And it'll sometimes have a lot of pressure built up and spray coolant out? I've also noticed coolant all over the front of the breather and my fans but I can't find the leak anywhere I've made sure hoses are tight radiator isn't clogged and I've gotten test for head gasket but nothing can someone answer the question to my mysterious coolant leak? I can also drive it for about 2 hours then it'll start to over heat but as soon as the temp gage goes above half way marker I shut it off and let it cool and refill with coolant. Please help! Some mechanics I've been to haven't been of any help

Retrofitting a R12 A/C system?

So my cousin just bought a 1993 Honda Civic Coupe and like most older Hondas, the AC doesn't work and on top of that it also needs to be retrofitted since it uses the old R12 system. I have some experience working on cars but need a second opinion on this one. I would much rather do the work myself that way I learn in the process as opposed to just paying someone to do it and call it a day. Buying and installing the new fittings is not a problem, the refrigerant is what's got me confused. I know R134A is not compatible with R12 and can cause problems if the system is not evacuated properly. I can have the whole system evacuated for 20 bucks which will solve that problem. Oil is also not a problem opted to go with ester 100 and use the adequate volume for the car. My question is, is it more straight forward/ Convenient to just use R12A or just go with R134A? I'm aware that these refrigerants also have a different mass and exact amounts have to be calculated. If I opt with R12A, would I need to even evacuate any remaining R12 from the system? Now of course I'm assuming that there are no leaks in there and will have to do a test to see if it holds vacuum but if it doesn't that will just be another problem that I have to resolve. Any feedback is appreciated, thanks in advance.

What are the options for someone who has purchased a car they can no longer afford?

A friend from school is in a pickle. She bought herself a 2015 Honda Civic in December of 2014. I guess her payments are $560/ month. She lost her job, and can no longer afford the payments. What are her options? Tuesday, she went to a dealership to see if they could do anything to help, but they turned her away. She isn't eligible to refinance the car until after a year (December), and she can't hang on that long. If she voluntarily relinquishes the vehicle (repossess), is she still responsible for the debt? She knows that bankruptcy is an option, but obviously, this is a last resort. Any help or advice is appreciated.

Could a gasoline's octane level affect radiator performance?

So I have a '96 Honda Civic VTI. I've been using a 95 octane gasoline from Petron, then as advised by a friend who has a similar car, I switched to 97 octane gasoline from Seaoil.

After a few weeks I made the switch, my car had several problems - hard starting, variable revs when going above 3000 rpm, and the most peculiar one is that the water on my radiator and reserve is constantly draining, regardless if I use the car or not. If I park it for a day, the water reserves are drained, faster if I park it outside, on direct sunlight.

Now I went back to using 95 octane from Petron, now the hard starting is gone, revs are good and I haven't refilled my radiator in 2 days now.

Could there be a connection between th issues I had with changing the gasoline?