How can I increase the MPG on my new Honda CR-V?

I think 34 MPG isn't enough.

Drive gently.

Don't stop.

What kills city MPG is the stop and go driving. Look the road ahead -- a mile or so. Time the traffic signals, adjust your speed so you never use your brakes.

On the highway, what kills MPG is your speed. The lowest speed you can do in top gear will be the highest MPG.

Leave it alone. The fastest way to kill mileage is a bunch modifications. Honda knows how to build them so you got what you got.

Drive like there's an egg between your foot and the go pedal.

Troll level: off-center.

There's literally nothing you can do to improve mileage on a stock car, and that includes any of the bolt-ons that are offered to fools.

Hands down, the best way to increase your mileage,… Is to walk.

You can't. 34mpg is pretty good. Deal with it