Honda Shadow Phantom 750 enough?

Would anyone with experience on the shaft driven Honda shadow phantom please tell me if it is enough for interstate travel on occasion. I would like to take it on a couple of trips and just would like to know your top speed before any modifications and if it can do 85 or 80 comfortably before I make the purchase.

Added (1). For clarification I have 286cc naked bike that I rode for 608 miles 500 of which were at 80 with the engine 1500 RPM from redline. By comfortable I meant is the bike going to die or not be able to perform. I understand it is more power however it weighs 200 pounds more, has a shaft drive with a 5 speed gearbox instead of 6 and tubed tires all contributing to a performance loss. I want answers FROM THOSE WHO HAVE OWNED THE BIKE Please. Can it do 80 or 85 with room left for more.

I found this forum about the Shadow 750. The general consensus is that it does fine on the highway, but it starts to strain at speeds higher than 65 mph. Several people said that switching to a 39-tooth rear sprocket will help. A lot of people opt for a bike with a bigger engine if they plan on doing road trips on it.

You're asking if a Honda 750 can do 80mph comfortably. It can do close to double that.

With no windscreen at 80 mph you're going to be constantly fighting the wind blast. Look at all of the touring and adventure bikes. Windscreens, dude.

My opinion is buy a V-8 car that is designed for sustained performance HIGHWAY…

The Honda Phantom 750 puts out 44 bhp peak, can do about 100 mph maximum, can cruise at 80-85 mph without problem. YOU riding at 80-85 mph may not be comfortable.


Went to see daughter's wedding, I-40 from LaLaLand to Kentucky. Speed limits mostly 65 to 70mph, trucks running the speed limit, cars mostly doing 5 mph over the limit, most motorcycles doing the speed limits or a bit UNDER.

I went to a reunion, LaLaLand to OKC, again on I-40. No problem, keeping up with traffic. On a Suzuki Savage, 30 hp 652cc single cylinder. Killed the Savage, getting old, got a 245 pound Vespa 150, and even that wimpy thing can keep up with trucks on the California Interstates, even up hill.

The Savage had a National Cycle Street Shield, rather small, blocked wind fine until I hit some heavy side wind -- the protection area was about 15" to the side.

Interstate touring is good for going places -- but is *B*O*R*I*N*G*
The byways are interesting, very light traffic, and you normally cruise 50-55 mph.

It'll do fine.
I find that I do like a windscreen for extended highway riding.
I had to combine one with a stepped seat so the wind wouldn't blow me back to the pillion seat.

You need a bit more power than it has for comfortable touring at speed. In fact you need a bike with better seating position and some protection from the wind blast Honda Shadow Phantom 750 enough - 1

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