How to bypass my starter after the 30amp fuse melted the selanoid on my 98 honda shadow?
How to bypass my starter after the 30amp fuse melted the selanoid on my 98 honda shadow?
No, I don't know too much about electrical circuits.
Temporarily bypass the circuit to the starter motor - what you should be doing is finding out why a fuse melted rather than blew.
SOLENOID, and have it fixed properly.
If you melted the solenoid you don't want to bypass a 30 amp fuse. That will run a circuit directly the the cause of your short. I'd be suspecting the starter motor is drawing too many amps and replace it. Make sure the motor isn't seized up. Turn your bike motor over by hand.
Replace the solenoid. Check for a shorted starter. Check for a good starter ground. Check if the engine is seized.
No, Skippy… The FUSE did NOT melt the SOLENOID. The FUSE is there to PREVENT overloading the electrical circuit and causing damage. If your starter solenoid failed, you have other problems.
Hi so if a fuse has been melted there's a serious problem with the starter motor which will need replacing.
Go to the auto shop they cost about 20cents for a 30 amp fuse
First you need a bike that has a manual transmission. Automatics won't work to do this.
Slip into SECOND gear and with the key turned ON to the lights, push Bike down the road holding the clutch lever in. When it is rolling at a fair clip jump on the bike and while it is still rolling SLAMDROP YOUR BUT ONTO THE SEAT & at the same time release the clutch lever. This will cause the back wheel to turn over the motor and the bike should start.
Never in first gear as gear ratio is too high.
Solenoid is fine, Fuse is fine. You need a new battery. That is all.
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