How to remove the baffle from a 1983 honda cb650sc nighthawk?

I recently bought a 1983 honda cb650sc nighthawk and I can't figure out how to remove the baffle from the stock exhaust. Any help would be appreciated

The bike (AND the mufflers) are 28 years old. Do you really think that the baffles are still in there? If you really MUST make more noise to annoy your neighbors, then just remove the mufflers completely.

A lot of the bikes at this time & after were fitted with tamper proof baffles, so that people could not remove them. This prevented annoyance of the neighbours with noise & upsetting the carbs thru loss of back pressure.
If you really want to be louder, many after market exhausts are available, but you may need to re-jet the carbs to suit. I think Motad pipes used to be advertised as running OK without any jet changes.