I ride a 2011 CBR 250R,Recently I have been having a problem with losing power during first and second gears around the low-mid RPM's. It happens when I accelerate at a quicker speed it feels like the power cuts (which engine braking occurs) and then it accelerates again after 1 or 2 seconds.
It usually occurs when I have 1 or 2 bars of fuel left so i believe it might be a problem with the fuel or petrol. I have been filling my tank with the normal petrol required at well known gas stations in my area.
I have recently had this problem but after servicing the motorcycle (a few weeks ago), it was a problem with the air filter being very clogged and dirty, after servicing it was fine, and then this started happening recently.
anyone have any idea what the problem is? I did email honda and they said my chains and sprockets may be the cause to it and they need to be replaced, I'm looking to replace them but I'm afraid if after replacing them, the same problem will still occur.