Looking to buy a 2002 Nissan Altima is reliable?

This would be my first car I'm buying I've been saving up for a while so I went to a Honda dealership and they had the 2002 Altima for $5995 it comes with a 12,000 mile warranty and 2 years free service, and a free tire rotation it has 98k miles on it I want to know is this a good deal or should I avoid it?

My Honda Eterno scooter does not start with a kick?

My Honda Eterno scooter is 10 yrs in usage with no problems. Now a days sometimes it does not start with the kick. The kick seems to be loose, as if when you try to kick the scooter by pressing the clutch. This is an intermittent problem. But when it happens in the middle of the road, it causes a lot of inconvenience.

Valve tick? What is this noise on Honda ATV?

I was listening to my ATV and I thought about this ticking noise. Wondering if I should be concerned. I recently did a frame swap on it but it made that noise long before. As long as I've had it's made this noise, should I be concerned?

Here is a video that shows what the sound is.