How to save money for a cheap car?

I'm 17 years old about to enter into my senior year of highschool. I've just started working at a local Retail store in my hometown as a part-time job and am seriously wanting a car. I do have a truck given to me from my family but of course the gas is atrocious. (15 MPG) I've been on Craigslist looking for Honda and Toyota cars about $1000-1500 price range because that's all I see as being realistic. I also hear Hondas and Toyotas age the best.
But my question is this - how should I ago about saving the money to purchase one? I'm very new to the financial world - this is my first job actually. I average about $180 every TWO weeks.
How should I put money into savings and at what percentages? Or is this even practical with the given income? I'll probably look for some side money by selling stuff on eBay but that's all I've got.
ANY input at all is so appreciated. You don't have to answer all my questions, just 1 is appreciated.

What's up with the Honda game?

Why do people dump money into a chinsey car? They would rather dump money buying bodykits, rims, interior, then actually buy a decent car. Now the only Honda I see worth it is the s2000. Some actually buy performance parts but nothing more then a weak exhaust.

I need a first car. 17 male?

I'm looking for my first car. I have about 6,500 and don't wanna spend anything over 7,000. I'm gonna put money into it to make it fast and also look nice. But I do want it to look nice stock. I love VW GTI but I'm open to almost anything but musle cars and Hondas. I like rx-8 and 350z also and wrx. Can you guys just name some cars? Thanks YOU! Who ever names the best/most cars gets best answer!

Best luxury car under $35k?

Performance is pretty important to me. It needs to have a luxury badge (no ford, honda, toyota, ext)
Also, needs to seat 4 and be under 35k

I'm making big mistake on my car glass?

I'm so stupid i just make a mess myself cleaning glass invisible

my new car 2014 rear and windshiled glass start get pitted tiny highlight

before i wash my car using plain water my glass not showing any pitted

so that is my fault or auto honda build glass like that

Trying to adjust caster: How to convert inches to degrees?

Caster on the driver side is nearly 4 degrees more than the passenger side which is in spec at 2.2. The driver side is at 5.9 positive caster and right now I'm trying to figure out the amount of washers I need to help with the issue. I looked around online and found caster spacers for honda vehicles that come in 1/8 and 1/16. How would I convert inches to degrees?

HONDA < glass has pitted >?

Why my glass has some pitted spot when i'm using stone invisible cleaning liquid cleaning on my rear/windshiled glass
how to get rip of it, can i using difference brand to fix it