When i lock/unlock all the doors flicking the switch up and down. Only the doors on the driver side unlock and lock. What can i do to fix this? What replacement parts do i need?
I recently bought a used Honda Accord, multiple things wrong with it. The lights on the whole dashboard, where the speedometer, tac, gas, etc. Are do not work. There's an aftermarket stereo installed. I've read if you connect a certain cable, it blows a fuse somewhere. But I'm really confused. It also might be the multiplexer. Does anybody know what's going on?
I got a 2014 Honda a about a month ago… It did have a little bit higher miles than others… But certain things about the car seem different for example… The logo is the only thing in the back… It doesn't have accord… Doesn't look like it ever had the model on it with just the H for Honda… And it had 25000 miles on it… Could it have been a test car or something?
I have a 1998 Honda accord. If I go out to start it, it will be fine but after a few minutes it revs itself while in park. I put it in drive or reverse and it stops. I'll be on my way to work, get into the parking lot, put my car in park and immediately it revs itself. I know barely anything about cars haha so any ideas would be awesome!
I've a Honda Accord 2005 Hybrid and I got a "Maintenance Required" blinking for about 15 seconds everytime I started the car. I did an oil change from a mechanic shop and later I observed that the light still appeared. So I checked online and found how I should reset it
But even after I did that for 5 times, it still appears. I showed the issue to the Walmart Mechanics and they said that since the light doesn't stay after 15 or 20 seconds, it doesn't matter.
Should I take his advice or should I show it to another mechanic?
Added (1). JetDoc- I do get all these lights flashing when the key is at number 2 position when the battery is On and engine is still at off… When we start the engine, then all these lights do disappear but this "maint rqd" light alone keeps blinking for upto 15 seconds… While other lights are shut off
Alright. So I bought a used 1999 Honda Accord on August 21st for about 5 grand. After I bought it, I drove down to Jacksonville from Norfolk Virginia, which is around 600 miles and a 10 hour drive. Right before I arrived at my friend s place in Jacksonville, smoke poured out from under the hood so I pulled over into a parking lot. I checked and noticed a tear in the upper radiator hose. So the next day I went with my friend to buy a new hose and some coolant. Then I took the car to a mechanic to replace the hose. When he took the old hose off, he said that it looked like I had blown a head gasket and that there was no reason to replace the hose because it wouldn t fix anything. So I had to leave my car at my friends and fly back to Norfolk to be at work on the 23rd. Anyway, my question is, should I assume that the mechanic was correct in his diagnosis, or should I replace the hose and see if that was the only problem?
I'm a college student and I'm planning to buy a used car. I found a 2010 Honda Accord with 83000 miles and 2013 Hyundai Elantra with 47000 miles. Both with no accidents, in good condition and almost for the same price. What do you think better? And why?
I got the oil change, the person who changed it didn't put back the cap or didn't put it on tight enough so the oil spilled all over my hood bumper engine and a lot of spots around the engine i didn't notice this and I have drove like over 1000 miles without a cap I guess and there was still oil left in the car I just went back there and they bought me a new cap and gave me a free oil change so I'm wondering did my car receive any damage from this because I still drive far places with it usually like over 50 miles a day