Looking to buy a used car Honda accord or civic as I look on line its amazing how many miles this cars have?
Looking to buy a used car Honda accord or civic as I look on line its amazing how many miles this cars have?
Looking to buy a used car Honda accord or civic as I look on line its amazing how many miles this cars have?
I have a Honda Accord lx stick shift i don't know weather if it's rwd or fwd? - 1
I just bought these interior LED lights and it says in the instructions only to use with a 12V slot, which my 1997 honda accord doesn't have. Is there anything else I can do to work around this?
I have a 2009 Honda Accord. All 3 brake lights aren t working. I checked the bulbs and the fuse and they are both good. I also replaced the brake light switch under the dash, still nothing. What else could I check/do to get them to work? If all else fails, I ll take it to the dealer, but who's got the money for that?
I've been driving it for months now and it still won't pass smog. It passes the emissions just the data part is the problem. Anyone know how to fix this?
1994 Honda accord won't start? - 1
I'm looking into buying a new car it will be my first car I buy from a dealer. I really like the Accord Sport and it's a 4 cylinder and the Altima is the same 4 Cylinder. Price wise I know the accord is more expensive by 3 more thousand. But I want opinions which car would be great for me I'm a college student I do work I make enough money to pay for it.
Ok its been a few months and when i press down on the gas it drives for a few seconds then it slows down and starts revving up real loud. Also when i press down on the gas it takes a few seconds for it to actually speed up.It's like when i press down on the gas its like the engine kicks in. Its like when you press the gas down way to fast instead of slowly speeding up. But i'm not doing that it does it even when i have my feet on it just a little bit.
I took it to a mechanic and he told me i need a electronic load detector. He didn't test drive the car or anything. He just looked under the steering wheel then popped the hood. He said that mine was showing something different from the code he found online. After i got home i started looking for a ELD for "2001 HONDA ACCORD EX 3.0 VTEC Automatic" and the only thing i could find was the ELD for 2001 honda civic and for the newer model accords.
Does anyone know what's wrong?
Added (1). i forgot to say that it has gotten worse. I can't go any faster than 20 miles now and when i do press down on the gas it just revs up
I have Honda Accord 2007 v4 2.4 L, what do I need to change if I wanted to replace the V4 engine to V6?
I'm in Arizona where it about 110 every day so my car will start in the morning but rarely if in the afternoon. Ijust replaced my fuel filter and my battery cables however my battery is pretty old. Could that be the problem?