My car squeaks in reverse and while driving?

My car squeaks in reverse and while driving?

Added (1). When i'm reversing, my car squeals extremely loudly. It continues when i accelerate, and appears to disappear when i press the brakes. The sound will continue even when the breaks are pressed, or will completely disappear for short amounts of time. I'm wondering if it's the brakes, even though the noise tends to go away once they are pressed?

Added (2). it's a 1999 Honda Accord

96 Honda Accord LX P0303?

Reading a cylinder #3 misfire code P0303 I had the Ignition Coil changed Spark Plugs and Spark plug Wires I=then the computer was reset but unhooking the battery and the Check engine is still on What else could It be?

Honda Accord 01 Trunk issues

I have a 2001 Accord Coupe and the trunk opens and closes but the only problem I have is that I have to shut it harder than normal to get it to close or it will remain open. Any solutions?

Honda Accord 01 Coupe Door issues

I have a 2001 Accord Coupe and the window on the passenger side will not slide up or down. When I hit the switch on the driver side, I can hear a clicking sound coming from the passenger side window. Also when I use the keyless entry remote, the lock does not unlock, I have to do that manually. Could it be that the motor is bad? Or is something stuck? And what about the lock? When I use the lock switch on the passenger or driver side it unlocks and locks the driver side only. What could it be?

Honda accord 2003 key replacement?

What's a fair price to get a key replaced for honda accord 2003? Should i go to a lock smith or a dealer?
i lost my key and have no duplicate!