My 96 Honda Accord LX has a P0303 Code from Autozone?

The check engine light is on it flashes sometimes while sitting at a stop light and the spark plugs were changed and I put some fuel injector cleaner in the car but it's still reading the same code it says cylinder #3 is misfiring

Why do hondas suck so bad?

After all my years of working with cars, i've came to realize… Hondas are by far, the worst cars. By Hondas i mainly mean the Civic, and Accord. I've seen a lot of people acting like they own the streets with their hondas with $2000 wheels and i could still beat them with my dads Grand Prix. I've gotten to the point where i hate Hondas so much that i enjoy chasing down hondas with my rx-7 just so i can smoke them. Even the ones that look like they might have potential.don't. Why? Why are these cars on the streets? Why?

First car: Integra vs Civic vs Accord vs Prelude?

I just want a good looking car for daily commuting that doesn't cost more than $5000 (From Work to College). I think personally think that hondas look pretty good but they told me that these kind of cars get robbed on a daily basis. If you guys got any idea on what other car I should think of let me know… I just want a good looking and reliable car

Used scotch brite pad on my car while cleaning it?

First of all, I would like to say, I have learn my lesson and I know how stupid it was for me to use the scotch brite pad on my car. So can we bypass the whole "you're stupid" thing.

So yesterday afternoon I decided to clean my new car, I had the huge sponges and cloths. I saw that there was tar on the hood, and it wouldn't come out, so my dumb self decided to use scotch brite pad on it. Little did I know I was going to see circular scratches on the spot. It's just 2 little spots but you can noticed it when you're close to it. My car is a black 2015 Honda Accord.

WHAT CAN I DO TO CLEAN THE SCRATCHES OUT? If you're only helpful thought is taking it to the shop, please don't reply. That's just an anxious thing to do, so I'm trying to avoid that whole hassle and just trying to figure out if there's something Ivan buy from the auto part stores to clean it out. Please be specific with product names. As you can tell, I'm the worst with anything that has to do with cars.

Why Toyota Corolla brakes are so expensive?

I need to replace the front brakes of my wife s 05 corolla. Since I usually go online and purchase the genuine manufacture parts, I did the same this time. I found the price is $75/pair for the pads, and $55/ea for the rotor. I changed the brakes on my Accord V6 last year, its about $45/pair for the pads. Why Toyota parts are so expensive comparing with Honda?

Will a drain and refill help? (2005 Honda Accord)?

I have a 2005 Honda Accord LX. I've had it since January. My dad had it shipped to me when he got a new car. (About 166k on it now) Anyways fast forward to now the car has been stuttering some when I let off accelerating. I checked the transmission last Friday and it was very low. It was reddish pinkish I guess. Didn't look or smell like anything was wrong with it. Just low. I added some Honda fluid to it and drove it around some. Didn't notice much of a change. I didn't drive it Saturday or Sunday since I was out of town. I drove it to work today and noticed it rode better didn't notice too much stuttering and if I did it wasn't as rough as last week. The car even got up faster better. Should I still get a drain and refill to be on the safe side? I know my dad takes care of his stuff so he was pretty regular with the maintenance. I've only got oil changes and tire rotated since I've had it. There's no check engine light on or any other lights. Would it be worth getting the drain and refill? It's about 82 dollars at the Honda dealer where I'm at.