Is the cleo bay honda holiday scratch-off a scam?

I was sent a pretty legitimate looking paper in the mail with a key glued to it from cleo bay honda, and it had a sticker in the middle that you scratch off to reveal a number. If the number is one of the numbers listed at the bottom, you win one of the prizes. I won something according to the card, but I don't know if this holiday promotion is legit or not. Has any one else ever heard or won from it?

1998 Honda accord electrical?

So I was messing around with some LEDs that I got. I hooked them up to a switch and I wired one side to the fuse of the cigarette power and the other wire to the ground. It turned on but then turned off. Then a bunch of thing from the car stopped working like the cabin lights and the power locks. I checked the fuses and they are all fine. But they aren't getting any power. What happened and how can I fix it?

2000 v6 honda accord won't shift from park?

Ok every now and then my automatic accord will get stuck in park and i can't shift i have to press down the safety lock button so i can get it in drive. What could the problem be? I'm not dumb my foot is on the brake and i've replaced the brake light sensor already. What should i do next could it be a fuse? This problem only occurs once or twice a week i drive everyday

I'm planing on buying second hand car the price range would be from 8 000eu ti 11 000eu?

Hello i'm planing on buying second hand car the price range would be from 8 000eu ti 11 000eu.

Also would like it to be not older than 2008. At the moment i'm looking at Toyota Camry, honda accord, citroen c5, and all subaru cars.

What could you suggest to look for? I need a reliable car, it has to have comfort but does not need to be luxury as all i want from car is to work for me but not me working for a car. Should be economic not more than 10l/100km.

Any help suggestions are appreciated

How to fix a small frame dent on my own?

I have a Honda Accord I want to fix up. I just want a tight sturdy chassis out of it. I drove the car for many years with the small amount of damage it had and never noticed a thing from the dent in the frame. It was made by a rock hitting the underside of the car, not that bad only a dent less than a 1/4in deep and 1in around. On an alignment rack the car is perfectly straight, is it even a problem? Even for a circuit track car?

Rpm idles up and down on my 1995 honda accord?

I turn it on and the rpm stays like At 2x
Then if i acelerate it a bit while in park
It starts going up and down
But once the car warms up it stops doing it
Please help me i wana get some information before taking it to a mechanic.

93 honda accord cranks but no start?

My 93 accord has fuel, spark and timing all functional. Will crank but will not start. I tested starting spray checked all cables for spark and checked that rotor was spinning but doesn't seem to want to get it going. The past week when the car was still working it would start up but run boggy and jumpy until I applied more rpms. The car would then smooth out and I would drive off. But now nothing but cranks. Any help would be much appreciated.