Honda accord 2003 V6 Tcs and engine light please I need feedback?

Ok so I was driving my car in traffic earlier and it suddenly started shaking and the brake pedal got really hard I was having to really step on it hard it felt like it didn't work TCS was on and ENGINE light was too so I pulled to the side and got it towed… I'm wondering what will I need to fix is it something expensive?

Should i start a case on this oil car service?

Ok well I'm a 19 year old new driver, and i got my first car (1997 honda accord) 3 months ago. In August i went to get my first oil change from a quick oil change place. For the Month of August after the oil change i didn't notice anything unusual. By September my car started smelling funny and the engine was hot. But unfortunately i made a rookie mistake by not opening the hood then. A few days ago i turned my car on and the engine basically stop working after a few seconds. When i checked my car's engine i noticed the oil cap was missing and oil splattered all over my engine. My uncle told me i should file a police report/start a case against the oil change shop. My question is do you think i should do that or pay out of pocket(from my own mistake in September)?

Added (1). If anyone else sees/ answers this please disregard "police report" Civil case is what i'm trying to say

Is it better to keep an old car or buy a newer one?

I have a honda accord that's 15 year old. Its very reliable for most part but minor repairs come up from time to time. I take it to get checked out every 6 months or so and if there's something that needs attantion, I get it fixed right away. I want to keep the car as long as I can but I'm worried about the car age. Are things going to start falling apart since the car is so old?

99 honda accord v6 idling high?

So to begin with, I had an oil leaking problem where all my oil drained out so i stopped driving my honda for about a month. I finally got the time to fill the oil back up but now it has a new problem, it is idling at 2000 rpm and revs up on its own. It started doing this just from sitting there, what happened? What can it be?

How to prepare my car for snow?

I have a honda accord. I accepted an internship in Placerville, Ca and I was told that it might snow a bit. But I don't want to spend too much money. It's only a 12 week internship and they're not paying me much, just enough for food and transportation. Is it really necessary to get snow tires or are there other alternatives? And about how much do they cost.

Can't decide on a first car?

I'm 15 so i will be driving soon but i need some advice on a good first car but i really want it to look nice, be good on snow and have good mpg.

Nissan Maxima/Altima
Honda Civic/Accord
Mazda 6/Rx8
Infinite g37g35

1999 Honda Accord - 2 problems?

1999 Honda Accord - 2 problems

The first issue is that the left brake light will not work and the Brake light indicator is on. The right works fine, the hazards & turn signals work fine. All the bulbs have been changed. Any clues?

Second issue… Car drives great. Took it on a trip & drove about 300 miles at about 80 mph. All of a sudden, I hit a construction area where I slow to a stop and the car dies. Start it again, move a little, it dies again. This continues for about 30 minutes. Took it to the dealership when I arrived at my destination, they couldn't find anything wrong or mimic the problem. Took it in to have it smogged where they run it at high rpms and when they finished, it did the same thing. Kept dying. Yet I can take it on the freeway for 10 or 15 mile trips and no problems at all. Please, please any suggestions?