Which one would be a better first car buy for me? 2016 VW Passat or 2016 Honda Accord Sport?
Which one would be a better first car buy for me? 2016 VW Passat or 2016 Honda Accord Sport? - 1
Which one would be a better first car buy for me? 2016 VW Passat or 2016 Honda Accord Sport? - 1
So I leased a brand new 2015 accord in January of 2015. I didn't have any credit at the time so my mom co-signed for me. The lease term was 36 months and I got 36,000 miles. The lease is not up until January 2018 but I have to turn the car in early because I'm at 35,650 miles and I don't want to be charged $0.15 per mile that I go over. My current car note is $350.60 I messed up my credit so I'm not able well I'm able to get a car on my own but my monthly note would be $500+ which I'm not willing to pay and can't afford anyway. My mom said she won't co-sign for me again (we really don't have a good relationship) I NEVER missed a payment or anything so my question is what can I do? Do I have to turn the car back into Honda or can I try and go somewhere else
? What would be my best bet? I still owe $2,500 on my lease. My credit score is about 580 i live in Chicago IL if that helps
How much would it cost to rekey a 1990 honda accord?
Which would you choose and why? I do not have a family but still would like enough trunk space.
Bonus: are in car navigation systems worth it?
My 1997 honda accord radio and lighter stopped working checked the fuses its not a fuse.
I just can't seem to find the answer anywhere. Does any FWD car have LSD?
Honda still makes the Accord 2 door coupe.
How old should my first car be and also what car would make a great first car? So far I have both Honda Accord and Toyota Camry as two options. Let me know if you have any other ones that may be better. I'm buying my first car by the end of the year. I have never driven a car before and I'm 28 years old. I was told that your first car should not be new because of depreciation and bunch of other things. So I'm thinking of buying a car that's is around 2 to 3 years old. So maybe a Honda Accord 2015 model or a Toyota Camry 2015. What do you think? Should I buy an older model or is 2015 a good first car? Nim looking for something that is confortable, reliable and won't be in need of repar.
Will the catalytic converter on a 2007 Honda Accord be covered under warranty? - 1
This car was FINE all day. I've had it a couple years, no problems like this. I went to work, fine. On my way home, twice when I flicked on my bright lights the radio, dash, AC, all lights went off for a second, then came back on. I thought it was weird but it wasn't doing anything else so I just drove on. I got home and parked it, shut it off and when the interior lights did not come on when I removed the key I knew something was wrong. I tried to restart it, nothing. No turning over, no click, nothing. A few small lights on the dash would come on but nothing else. I tried again, nothing. An hour later my husband came out to look at it. Now, the interior lights are coming on when you open the door, but very dim. The dash lights will come on, but dim, and if you hit the brake they go off. Also, my GPS, which always goes off when external power is lost, did not go off like normal after my husband tried to start it. (I don't know if this is related but it seems too coincidental for it to go screwy on the same day) Anyone have any idea what the heck is going on?
Added (1). *Edit* The battery has been checked recently AND all terminals cleaned. Honda dealership looked it over bumper to bumper less than two weeks ago.