1999 Honda Accord radio. No sound

I was a dumass and left the windows open and got caught in a midwest down pour. I closed it up but there was a ton of water that got into the car. The radio seems to work but there's no sound… Any advice to see if i've blown the internal amp? Everything in the car is stock.

Best season to buy my first car?

I've never driven a car before. But I will be taking taking drivers education sometime this month and getting my drivers license this year. I'm an adult and my job requires travelling. Logic tells me that summer is the best time to buy a car because of the condition of the road which would mean safer driving for me as an inexperienced driver. But I won't be able to buy my car until the end of December this year when winter will be starting again. By the end of December I will have my first car and I guess I will be driving in winter. I don't know if that's okay. Also, the car I'm thinking of buying is a Honda Accord 2015 model used. So it's not too new and it's not too old just in between and reliable. I need advice.