Turbo or supercharger Honda accord?
Honda accord coupe v6 2001 auto with 200000 miles. I'm going to rebuild the engine and I just want to know what's the best and most affordable for the best price of having the unicorn power…
Honda accord coupe v6 2001 auto with 200000 miles. I'm going to rebuild the engine and I just want to know what's the best and most affordable for the best price of having the unicorn power…
Everytime i open my cars gas cap i hear a hissing sound like air coming out when i take off the gas cap. Is that normal? I drive a 94 honda accord ex
It started yesterday. It runs fine but when I turn the key off it continues to run.
in order to get it to turn off I had to disconnect the negative battery cable. I then put the cable back on and started it with the same result, it continued to run after I shut it off and I had to disconnect the negative cable again. I've never heard of this happening. Can someone give me an idea what's wrong?
I saw some photos of Honda accord engine mounting points and they looked awful lot like my Daewoo. I want to upgrade my Daewoo if possible with a honda engine
I have a 2009 Honda accord coupe v6. I love the car but I'm wanting something that gets better gas mileage but still nice and sporty. What are some for me to look at?
91 honda accord ex stalls when i turn on lights, turn off lights run good. What causes this?
I'm looking for something in the 2012 range. I've narrowed my budget to about 12,000. Honda Accord, nissan altima and chevy malibu. Something that looks decent, good gas mileage and a vehicle that won't end up in the repair shop than on the road would be ideal. I'm 23 married no kids also in the military if that makes any difference
Open to all other car make & models
My parents are letting me pick out a car with a budget of 7k and they want me to get something that is reliable. I want a sedan from not too far ago year like 2003+. With those restrictions my choices are basically these:
Honda civic and accord
Toyota corrola and camry
Subaru impreza
Volkswagen jetta and passat
I know v6 engines are best for speed and that is definitely what i'm looking at. Which of these cars is fastest and has the best acceleration like 0-60 mph time? I basically just want a car that has good pickup from rest or even pickup while driving like going from 50-100 mph and can drive at high speeds.