Should I buy OEM or aftermarket power steering pressure hose?

I need to replace mine due to leaking, but I'm not sure if I should get OEM or save with aftermarket. Can anyone with experience tell me if should should spend more on that hose? Thanks!

Added (1). Also should mention this is for a 2006 Honda Accord

Why is one of my new tires losing psi?

I got 4 new tires about 2 maybe 3 weeks ago on my 2009 Honda accord coupe and when I was leaving work and pulled out of my parking spot I noticed the low tire pressure light came on and when I got home I checked the psi and the tire has around 26-28 psi. It didn't look like any damage was done to it anywhere.
Is this normal? Should I just air it back up and put something like fix-a-flat in it?

Would Honda Civic seat covers be compatible with Honda Accord seats?

I have a 2000 Honda Accord and wanted to get seat covers for the car, however the only ones I could find were ones for a Civic. While searching the web there's not much info on particular seat sizes in cars. Would I be safe with buying the Civic seat covers? Would they fit?

How much does Honda Airbag costs?

I droved a honda accord and well, it went off the road for the first time. At the end result the front portion under the headlights were partly gone. The left half under the headlights were partly there, but a bit damaged. The airbag is deployed and I'm wondering how much it costs and how long will it take to repair it?

Why didn't the Honda dealership transfer my plates?

I'm a but perplexed as to why the Honda dealership that I purchased my 2016 Accord from didn't transfer my Mazda3 plates to the Honda; instead the business manager said that a new Maryland soundex number needs to be generated. The soundex is the number on my old Maryland License. I currently hold a DC DL. I've had a DC DL for a number of years because I live in DC and sometimes in MD. In the past I've had 4 new cars and all utilized the soundex number from my old MD license. This is very odd.

Where is the oxygen sensors for a 2004 honda accord ex v6?

Where is bank 1 sensor 1, where is bank 1 sensor 2, bank 2 sensor 1, bank 2 sensor 2. I found two o2 sensors but I don't know which ones they are
My engine cylinders are 123
One o2 sensor is right in front of the 5th cylinder and between the radiator. The second one is behind the 2nd cylinder basically in the opposite spot from where the other the cylinder is. What o2 sensors did I find? Where are the other 2?