My 2000 Honda Accord overheated recently?

So my car recently overheated and now when I go to turn it on it runs fine for about a minute then it starts running really rough and there's random cylinder misfires. What could it be? Is it that my head gasket is blown? Any help is appreciated!

Where can I get tinted window film?

I just bought a 2008 Black Honda Accord and i matted black the wheels out and i wanted to tint out the windows. I couldn't find the exact film online and I was wondering is there a website that I could buy them from?

Are people jealous of my car or are they just mean?

Ok my car is a red 2005 ford mustang v6 (here's a pic of it I call her Ruby) and I'm very happy with it, it's a beautiful car great condition but both in person and on the roads people are just jerks to me and I don't intend to make them angry or anything but here's what's happened to me when I first got it back in late September I told my classes about it and I just got negative responses like "ford sucks!" #challenger/camaro is better!" "I hate your car it's ugly" I was annoyed I thought to myself "it's ok to not like my car or have your own opinions but is that really nessicary?!" and last December I was leaving my high school during finals and getting out is hell everyone is leaving and pulling out and blocking the road and there was this one guy that got cut off twice first was a honda accord and he was also driving an accord he was like it's ok man no problem when I pulled and tried to get in front of him there was a huge gap between him and this suv I tried to get between then I moved a foot and he bolts in front of me giving me the finger and I was provoked and fliped him off back because I do not tolerate me or anyone else being flipped out I feel like just because I have a nice that I take good care of they have to be mean for no reason and just why are people like this? Are people jealous of my car or are they just mean - 1

2000 accord rpm goes up but acceleration is slow?

I've been having trouble with my car lately everytime I try to speed up the rpm meter goes up but the acceleration is so slow its getting to the point were i'm having trouble going up a hill without it slowing down, I tried to take it to vegas and when i was driving uphill i was going slower n slower even though i was pressing on the gas the same and trying to press on the gas more made it even worse. When i had pulled over to the side and stoped smoke was coming out the hood but the temperature was fine i don't know what to do

My honda accord is a 2000 LX with 170000 mileage and its manual not automatic

How much is a reasonable amount of money for a headliner replacement?

I have a two door 2003 Honda Accord without a sun roof. The headliner has been drooping so my dad and I tried spraying adhesive underneath it to get it to stay, but it looks terrible and doesn't stay. How much would be a reasonable amount to get it replaced?

Added (1). Also, I live in Southern California. I don't know if location will make a difference.

Fabe not working with car?

I have a new Honda Accord and the fabe (remote control) is not working for it. The light on the remote blinks when I press a button, but nothing with the car works. It doesn't unlock, lock, pop the trunk, use the alarm when I use it. So, it probably isn't the batteries. I used the actual key to get in the car to see if the push button start would work with the fabe. It did not as expected. Taking it to the dealer is one of the last things I want to do because 1. I'm on a tight budget and can't pay a car company to check it up. And 2. It's winter and I do not want to get my car dirty or in the cold. Can anyone help? Is there a way to sync the fabe with the car or something? It used to work when I first bought it (in July), but maybe since I've barely touched it since (it only has 177 miles on it) that the fabes need resynchronized or something.

2013 Honda Accord vs 2014 Mazda 6?

2013 Honda Accord vs 2014 Mazda 6?

Added (1). I had a Honda and loved how long it lasted me and how it was easy to fix and change the oil and everything about it. I never had a Mazda but my uncle had a 2007 one and told me to stay away. I like the design and power and interior of both cars but I'm trying to decide which one is better. Mazda vs Honda in terms of easier repairs, part cost and maintenance.

My 1999 Honda Accord car just died on me. Radio was still playing but car wouldn't move?

Prior to car dying on me, the key signal was blinking, but key wasn't loose or out of ignition.
Stopped at a red light, then as light turned green and I tried to accelerate, NOTHING happened. Didn't move forward.

I calmly turned emergency signal on so car behind can pass me, put car in park and turned ignition twice before it started and proceeded driving.

No check engine light, no other light came on dash. What happened?