Honda Civic coupe or coupe si?

I'm an 18 year old female trying to decide what car i should buy when february hits because that's when i'll have 6 months of credit history. I really like the 2015 honda civic coupe si. I love everything about it. From exterior to interior. Except its manual and i don't know how to drive stick. I'm willing to learn. But i'm not sure if driving it will eventually get annoying later on? I don't know if i should just take the regular coupe automatic and pay to throw on the spoiler and modify the interior to make it look like the si.

Car Insurance for 16 year old?

I'm 16 and looking to get a drivers license. I have good grades in school. I'm looking to lease a 2017 Honda Civic LX. I'm probably gonna be under my parents on their insurance policy. How much do you think my insurance would cost? And please give me an actual number.

Honda Civic EP2 Gearbox Issue?

My Civic EP2 recently got a reconditioned gearbox and clutch last year. Prior to getting the work done, it would make a sort of hissing noise when the clutch pedal was released.
After getting the gearbox and clutch replaced, the noise stopped.
Fast Forward a year, the noise has started to come back, and is really starting to bug me.
Surely it won't need another gearbox and clutch?
I paid around £700 for the work last year, which I though would of sorted the issue.

Buying a new car with credit cards instead of car loan?

Say that someone wanted to buy a 25'000 dollar new car, such as a Honda Civic or a Toyota Corolla.

The person has a couple of high limit credit cards with no balance.

Could it be beneficial to buy the car outright with the credit cards as opposed to dealer financing?

Because I see 3 benefits of this.

1. The minimum monthly payments on the credit card will likely be significantly lower than a monthly car payment.

2. If you fall into any financial difficilty and default on payments, no one can repossess your car.

3. On a more unrelated note, if you don't plan on buying anything on credit for the next several years, you could pay on the credit cards for six months or so, then declare bankruptcy, and you've got yourself a brand new car for about a thousand bucks spent.

Are there any cons to go with the pros?

My Honda Civic Electical issue?

My car got rear ended about 2 months ago. Right after 3 of the 4 windows (not the driver side) stopped unrolling. Next the radio sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Then the buzzer when I turn leave the headlights on stopped working resulting on leaving them on and my car dying. Anyway now one of my headlights and rear lights don't work. But the break lights work.

Today I went to autozone we replaced the battery, fuses, and light bulb and battery connecter. None of those have worked so I'm asking if anybody has any ideas or solutions?

I really appreciate anything!

I need a car guy's help please. Ok i have a 1996 honda civic ex stick shift with a single cam

I recently just changed my clutch on the car because the one that came with the car needed to be replaced. Car drives good but the clutch does have air in it. I have been told i have to wait about 500 miles before actually going fast in the car as i want, which i have, now i had my first race yesterday and my car was acting funny, first gear is fine and also second, but third gear hesitates like it wants to stop then it jumps and drives again, it only does that when my RPM is around 4,500 to 5,000. On the way back home it shifted gears like new again because my RPM wasn't so high. I had someone else drive it as well and they said it could be my computer to the car, others say it might be the transmission can someone give me suggestions?

Can a Honda dealership legally sell a used car with bad or shot struts?

I bought a used 2006 Honda Civic Sedan with 90,000 miles on it a week ago. After buying, I brought the car to my mechanic for an oil change. He informed me the front struts were shot and that they needed to be replaced. I had only had the car 3 days when I found this out. That means the dealership sold me the car with bad front struts and one of them is actually shot. They are claiming that the warranty doesn't cover the repair because it's considered "wear and tear". But does that matter if they sold me the car in that condition? It's not like this happened 2 months down the road, I just bought the car and these problems were there when they sold it to me. Isn't that illegal to not fix it free of charge? No, the car was not bought "as is" either.