What is a good beginner bike for me?

I've been riding ATV's for many many years starting with a 50cc Suzuki, 90cc ArcticCat, and now a 300cc Honda Fourtrax 4x4. I have a lot of experience on the trails and I know how to ride a bike but not entirely comfortable. I'm a 15 year old male, 5'9 155lbs. I want a good 4 stroke and i'm going to be going on a lot of trails. I get bored fast so I want one that will be fun to ride. My dad always feels like he can fix everything and whenever he tries to order parts or fixes my rides they always break down into a bigger problem and end up paying a ton of money in the long run so I also need a strong and reliable dirt bike that barely will have issues. Any suggestions?

Added (1). Thanks for your answer, Samuel. I did a little research and i'm not too sure about which year I should get. I've heard the '07 was great to have with little problems, what should I look out for and the years to avoid?

When is Honda going to up its game?

Kind of a Honda fanboy. Currently riding a CBR1100XX Blackbird. Although that is one hell of a fast bike and kan keep up with anything no problem. Even destroy many newer bikes on top speed. But its old! When is Honda going to be exciting again?

The 90's and early 2000's brought us the CBR900RR. The Blackbird. NSR500. SP1 and SP2. Race winning and top speed kings all of them. Not saying the CBR1000RR is lame but come on. Its basically the least powerfull 1000cc available. Where is their answer to the new age Busa or ZX14R? The just launched Ninja H2? The BMW S1000RR? Why not try to push the envelope anymore?

What is wrong with my dirt bike?

I have a Honda CRF 250X 2004. I haven't run it in about a year. I fired it up today. I let it run for about 30 minutes. Then it over heated and coolant leaked out. It has oil and the radiator has fluid. It also has coolant. What do you think could be issue?

I want a enduro dual sport but I'm having seat height issues?

I want to buy a dual sport and I was looking at a honda crf250l because of the reliability and ratings and longetivity. The only problem with it is the seat height is 34.7 inches and it's too tall. My height needed is about 32.9 inches. Does anyone have any suggestions?

What motorbike CRF should I get?

I learned to ride mx on a Honda CRF80 which was really slow and so small that I kept tripping on corners because my feet and knees were so awkwardly perched. That bike that

I've been looking at CRF150, and am wondering if that'd be more suited, or if I could ride something more advanced.

I'm a 14 year old girl, love the sport, and would love your help!

Is a honda cbr 150 okay for me?

I'm 14 and 169 cm tall and weigh 60 kilos is it okay for me?

Added (1). i'm in poland i've ridden a 125 cc honda nsr and 50cc aprilia rs also a 350cc java