My honda accord 91 over heating?
Well i just change my water pump. My fan motor. Replace the thermostat. Took off the radiator and flush it. And it stills over heating. I just don't know what else can i door what else its wrong with it
Well i just change my water pump. My fan motor. Replace the thermostat. Took off the radiator and flush it. And it stills over heating. I just don't know what else can i door what else its wrong with it
I'm a Sophomore in high-school, but next year I'll be a Junior in high-school, I'm thinking about getting my first car then, what type of car should I get since this will very my first car? Anyone? Also, how much should I save up? I
I'm looking to get my first car soon. I'm not looking for down payments, just any reliable car, with good gas millage that will sell under $3000. (probably from craigslist)
PS I'm not looking for any SUV, or truck (Low gas millage)
Added (1). Don't forget the model and manufacture date
Added (2). Okay, thanks to Christopher's answer, I decided on a Honda accord years 1998-2002
It has a 2.2L Non-Vtec engine has 159K miles, I bought the car at 156k miles, and doing my first oil change. I have no idea what type of oils the previous owner used, I've read to keep using what it has been using, but I obviously have no idea what he used. But I wanted to put Full Synthetic into it, would that be a good idea? I've read how it could start leaks that wouldn't be there before. Opinions?
Added (1). Tried contacting the PO, his number is no longer in service. My rear main seal was just changed, not sure where else I could get leaks at though.
These transmissions are god awful. Honda… Reliable? Lol. Those two words shouldn't ever be near each other unless the word "isn't" is in the middle.
Got the '98 accord 4 cylinder transmission replaced and now the car when coming to a complete stop it's a huge delay and you hear two thumps coming from underneath. Can it be the sensor? Did the noob mechanic forgot to switch the transmission sensors on my old transmission to the other? Noob move. Because it is impossible for a transmission to be defective already. And when I gear the car into "D" you still hear a bump
My dad told me I can't drive the car because the transmission will be ruined. What do you guys think? I need to go to work tomorrow…
Added (1). Okay so the car is going 20-30 mph and you come to a complete stop. You then hear "two thumps" after about 2 seconds… And it sounds like it is coming from underneath
The transmission shift handle broke and now it shifts freely without pushing the button on the handle. Tried putting it back together but ai think I need kit. Any help?
It has 225 miles
Fron bumper has been banged and has a dent
One back seat seat belt doesn't work
Drives nice
No problems with engine
You have got to be kidding me! I Finally got my car back and got the transmission replaced and the car is STILL running eh. The mechanic told me the car shifts perfectly… Which it does, but he has to check the two sensors from the old transmission and put it into my used transmission that I have
There are two issues I have with the used transmission:
1) When you reverse the car and then put it in "D" it's a 1 second delay with a small bump before you go
2) When you stop the car and the car is at 0 mph you hear two thumps
What is the issue?
I have a problem with my 1986 honda accord tail lights. The brake lights work, but the running lights don't. I have checked the fuses and the bulbs and they are both good. Any ideas of what it could be?
My check engine light is on but if I reset it right before the inspection, will I pass? Do they plug in the code reader during the inspection?
I know that if I reset it by the battery, it takes about 30 miles for it to come on again. I only want to pass untilI I have enough money to fix the problem.
1999 honda accord ex