How long does a new catalytic converter last?

My check engine light went on, went and got a diagnostic test, came back as the catalytic converter. I'm going to get it replace this coming week, I'm new to cars since I've been driving for about a year. They told me they do a 2 year 25,000 warranty on the converter. I drive a 2000 Honda Accord SE and they gave me a price of $225 including labor. Do catalytic converters last at least 7 years?

Quitting a decent paying job?

I'm in my mid 30's single, no kids, no girlfriend. Have a high school education with a little college(years ago), I live alone in modest apartment. No debt except for utilities, insurance. Recently, I've decided to trim my lifestyle so I could be debt free. I gave up my smartphone which was almost 90$ a month and went with a pay as you go flip phone. Sold my 2011 Honda accord with the 389$ a month payment, bought a paid for 2004 Ford Taurus. No car debt now. I always eat at home now. I make about 35k a year now, honestly the money is good for the job but I want out. Tired of the drama, political correctness and corporate baloney. Some of the people too ugh… I know if I quit I would have to start over again and take a major paycut. My family thinks I've lost my mind, tells me I would be foolish to quit but I can't take it anymore. Has anyone here ever walked away from a good paying job to save your sanity?

1999 honda accord keeps turning off?

I need help As soon as possible. I OWN A 1999 HONDA ACCORD COUPE LX and have recently got a new battery, new alternator, tune up, and replaced the water pump and timing belt. My car keeps shutting off while driving at first it happened once a week now it's every time I drive it. When it shuts off all the dash lights come on. And it takes about 10 min. For it to start again. It usually happens when it's hot outside. I thought it was the fuel pump relay so I replaced it, but now it happens even more! I think it might be the ignition switch but I'm not sure. Please any advice would help.

Check engine light is on and car is shaking?

I have a 1997 honda accord. Today, the upper radiator hose split and filled the car with steam. I replaced the hose and refilled the antifreeze, but the check engine light is still on. Now, the car shakes badly whenever it is in park. It also shakes when accelerating or braking, but not as badly when maintaining a steady speed. Do you know how to fix this and how much it would cost?

How much is a1997 honda accord worth?

Hey i'm trying to buy my first car for college. The bad thing is that the omometer reads 250k miles which is alot but its only $800. I want to know if its worth it? How much would you pay?

Modifications to a honda accord?

My first car is going to be a 2008 Honda Accord, and I know its a fuel econ car but I want more performance out of it… What kind of mods can I do to get performance, but keep it from being a ricer? Including engine swaps, gear box, clutch, exhaust, intake, etc. What are my best options?

Did i buy a lemon or can this be fixed?

So yesterday i went to go look at this 1992 honda accord ex it has 160 k miles its a manual but i can drive stick. So i took my uncle with me hes not to shabby with cars especially homdas. So anyway i checked the car out and it seemed fine for an older vehicle i did an all around check to find any cons i found some but none with the engine. Only minor things like dirty seats and i had to get a radio. So i drove it home may i mention i stalled a few times just getting the hang of the new clutch catch system. I got on the highway heading home and smelt smoke my guess was from the clutch since i had stalled. So i got home and noticed oil leaking profusely so my uncle told me to bring the car by so i drove it to my unlces house right up the street turned it off and when i did i took the key out yet i could still hear a fan so that was odd plus a bit more smoke. Then on the car never started again it would act As if because of the lights and junk but the engine wouldnt start.
After an hours of just sitting i tried again and it did start but held the cluth put it in first but it was like nothing no accl. Not one inch… The ebrake was off.

So the guy came by today he showed me where the oil had been leaking put a universal stopper in to stop it and said i don't know what else to do. Gave me 50 bucks and a **** you basically.

I just looked outside and this car is still leaking oil.
I'm only 18 but i have learned a valuabe lesson of patience.
Is this car done or could ot wrk?