I'm in my mid 30's single, no kids, no girlfriend. Have a high school education with a little college(years ago), I live alone in modest apartment. No debt except for utilities, insurance. Recently, I've decided to trim my lifestyle so I could be debt free. I gave up my smartphone which was almost 90$ a month and went with a pay as you go flip phone. Sold my 2011 Honda accord with the 389$ a month payment, bought a paid for 2004 Ford Taurus. No car debt now. I always eat at home now. I make about 35k a year now, honestly the money is good for the job but I want out. Tired of the drama, political correctness and corporate baloney. Some of the people too ugh… I know if I quit I would have to start over again and take a major paycut. My family thinks I've lost my mind, tells me I would be foolish to quit but I can't take it anymore. Has anyone here ever walked away from a good paying job to save your sanity?