Honda Accord Starts Then Dies Immediatly?

This Happened the Other day when i went to leave work the car moved about 20 feet then died
After it died it would crank but not fire
later that day i tried again i cranked then started but Suddenly Died
I Replaced the Fuel Filter since the old one was Dirty Tried Again Still Cranked Fired Died
Today i Brought my Uncle to Jump My car since the Battery Died from Cranking
He Jumped It i cranked it AND IT STARTED AND RAN GREAT BUT then when i tried to put the Air Filter Cover Back On It Died and did the same thing as Before It Also Does Not Have a Spark?
we don't know what it is what are the main possibilities?
Can't be Fuel Pump Because it Started and ran for 10 and Primed the Filter before i guess i bumped somthing
Mabey a Distributer is bad
A Main Relay is bad
some fuse or mabey the Computer is bad not Sending signals
if you have had this problem before please let me know if you got it fixed and were the replacing part is or needs to be Repaired would help so much

My brakes make a screeching sound, how do I fix?

Okay so my brakes make a screeching sound, but it is not constant. Its more like it only happens at a certain spot when the wheel is turning. Its like screech.pause.screech.pause.screech. Pause. As the wheel is turning, something along those lines. I already installed new rotors and brake pads and it still continues. Whta can i do to fix this. By the way I'm talking about a 96 honda accord.

Why do luxury cars cost more than equally equipped normal cars?

For example you could probably get the top trim of a Honda Accord with leather seats and all the add-ons for around $35,000 but a base model Mercedes C-Class costs around $40,000 base MSRP and doesn't have all those features. Is it true that you are just paying for the name?

My 97 Honda Accord SE 2.2l L4 has problems starting sometimes?

If I leave the car off overnight, or after it's been sitting for a few hours. It'll start right up. If I drive to the store, go inside for 15-20 minutes, come out and try to start. You can hear it click, but it doesn't start. After a few turns it usually starts up, but it's gotten worse at times, had to try for about 20 minutes until it finally started. It's making me worry thinking I'm going to be stuck somewhere. Do you guys have any idea what it could possible be? (I checked my battery, and it's fully charged. Starter is good, just got a new ignition switch and my alternator is good as well) my battery terminals are brand new too.

Can a newer car with high miles still be a good running vehicle?

Say I got a year 2012 or a 2013 Honda Accord or Nissan Altima for example and I ran them up to 150,000 miles. Considering they are very new should they have any problems verses say like an older vehicle from the early 2000's late 90's with high miles (100,000+) that usually have problems every month?

Added (1). I'm asking if age difference makes a difference in a cars mechanical ability to perform.

Added (2). I'm asking if a vehicles age can be a contributing factor.

98 honda accord ac compressor failing?

About 5 days ago my ac compressor starting to make noise, I'm still getting cold air for now, I don't care if I fix it because it's only for air, but is the belt only connected to the ac compressor and nothin else like the alternator? And I really don't want to spend the money to fix it, so can I let it seize up and go on driving or what's the best plan?

My 93 Honda Accord fans don't turn on?

My 93 Honda Accord fans don't turn on?

Added (1). I have turned the a/c c on and the fan motors turn on, the fan motors our good. I have replaced both cooling temperature sensors and the Ect sensor and check all the fuses. Still my fans won't turn on help

Torque value for upper and lower ball joints on a 2003 honda accord v6 sedan?

Anybody know how many foot pounds of torque the castle nuts need to be tighened with a torque wrench on a 2003 accord v6 sedan? Tried researching online but couldn't find info. Also if anybody knows the torque for the compliance bushings. Any help will be appreciated. And if anybody knows would they need to be tightened with a load on the suspension or no?