Why do they always recommend mundane cars as your first car?

I'm currently shopping for my first car and I get a lot of recommendations for cars from family and friends but they're mundane, boring cars like Honda Civic, Honda Accord, Nissans, Toyotas, etc. I pretty much am set on a luxury car such as Acura (which is actually made by Honda), Lexus (made by Toyota), or Audi. They're all like "Don't go for any of those!" but is there a reason why? I've always heard good things about their reliability and performance.

Why does my husband have 2 cars?

Okay. So my husband and I each have our car we use to get to work. He has a Lexus RX350, and I have a Toyota Rav4. However, yesterday as I went to clean up the basement yesterday, and I saw my another car down there, which was a Honda Accord.

Why does my husband have 2 cars? Is he cheating on me or what?

Water pump is making a noise?

So I did the timing belt and water pump and there was a strange noise, I took the whole car apart to find that the new water pumps bearing was making some noise. So I went and got a new one under warranty and I'm hearing this sound again. Is there some special way to install the water pump that I'm missing? Can over tightening it cause this issue? Is it because I bought a duralast water pump instead of a genuine Honda part? Its a 2006 V6 Honda Accord it doesn't over heat but I'd rather not find myself stranded since I drive 200 miles away on the weekend to see my girlfriend.

2001 Honda Accord smoking and leaking?

I just recently got my ac condenser and radiator replaced they also replaced the ac line and did a recharge and now when I came home tonight there was white smoke coming from my hood and leaking under my car. Did they jack my car on or maybe the labor made a problem worse?

Cold car starts and sometimes doesn't?

I have a 1997 Honda Accord and just recently purchased it for a really cheap price I couldn't pass up so it has a problem when starting cold I tried to start it yesterday since it's been sitting for about a week without starting and I go to turn it on and it just cranks. It usually starts but this time a no If someone could give me some ideas on locating and narrowing the problem it would be awesome thank you.

98 Honda accord won't start?

When I pushed in clutch car did nothing but everything else worked popped clutch drove fine.

Replaced ignition safety switch did nothing took it out started by pushing in button, so tried old one works fine.

I have it hanging down by clutch worked fine for awhile now doesn't do anything, so bought new one still doesn't do anything, could the wire have came looses from harness