When the 2019 Honda Accord is coming out? Can't find any information on it but figured it has to be soon?
When the 2019 Honda Accord is coming out? Can't find any information on it but figured it has to be soon?
When the 2019 Honda Accord is coming out? Can't find any information on it but figured it has to be soon?
Was involved in an accident just recently. Hit a pick up truck and no damage was done, but my 2007 Honda Accord Sedan had damage in the front, the hood area, and stuff is bent around the coolant area. Hood hard to close when popped Some leakage after returning from auto shop. We were okay, no info exchanged. Questions:
1. I have AAA insurance, will my premium go high? Been in an accident before at the end of 2016 with my fault and insurance was involved, premium rose. $500 deductible I think. Don't want on my record, so stay away from insurance?
2. Lie to my insurance and say it was hit and run? My conscious says no to this and if they do investigation and if I get caught lying I could be in trouble.
3. There's also the option of not getting fixed, but it can be damaged more and planning on buying new car next year. If I sold in this condition, guy at my auto shop said would prolly be worth more after repairing so more bang for my buck.
5. This seems like the best option. My local auto shop which I mentioned in #4 are willing to have my car fixed for $1429.52. Could be a little bit more now since there was leakage after I came back from the auto shop and it wasn't there before. They went from $2600 to $1429.52 My car's mileage in is 130,744. It's LX. Below I have pictures of the damages of my car, pictures of information regarding my car, and pictures how much it would cost to be repaired in detail. Below is an image of my charges. Should I do it or no?
Added (1). Could only do 1 pic and that's the best it will show, but my front is damaged and while fixing the front other things will have to be fixed and replaced. If you can make the picture better once you click on it that will be great. Not a computer expert. Only expert in asking a bunch of questions. Thanks
Added (2). I did not have first accident forgiveness and my premium rose. Also insurance more likely to charge much more than 1400.
Looking to get a little more power out of my 98 honda accord. By no means am I trying to make it a rice-rocket or any sort of streetracer, everything else is stock and will stay that way.
Its just the passing power is so bad! Getting on the freeway takes almost all its got.
I would really just like to get a little more out of it as cheap as possible and without doing any sort of extreme mods on it. I was thinking maybe a turbo?
Any input is appreciated!
I'm car shopping and noticed there are more 2018 Honda Accords with CVT's left over than 10 speed automatics, are CVT sales lower?
2001 honda accord. The AC is blowing cold but not cold enough to the point if its over 90 degrees its better to have the window open. I recharged the freon, gauges say everything is good, compressor works perfectly, both condenser fans work perfectly. The only other possible cause I found was the cabin air filter needing replacement. The process for even checking the filter is complicated on my car and I do not have the expertise to check. Is it worth disassembling the dash to check if its the cabin air filter?
2017 honda accord LX Today i has service at local shop they used 10W-30 and only 4 qt. Instead of 0w-20 5 qt Will this be ok?
If I own a 1994 Honda Accord and want to use parts from it to put into a 1992 Honda Accord, will I have any conversion issues?
I have a 2003 Honda Element with the 4 speed EX awd. Recently i took my car on a cruise and luckily I happen to find a long stretch of a road that had NO TRAAFFIC other than just plain flat aspalt, I decided to see how fast the car was able to go. After the test, I was not really pleased with the results of my car. I had to Floor the as just to get it a tad past 95 mph. But according to the performance specs online, they claim that this car has a governor of 110 mph.
My question is can the Honda Element actually reach that speed? I know this truck has the aerodynamics of a brick could that be the reason why it can't exceed 100 mph. Cuz around town/local highway speeds it is not slow by any means and has plenty of get up and go. Yone ever did a test on the top speed of this truck. This truck has been great to me so far. It is very roomy, good ground clearance, decent/peppy acceleration (no means of saying its quick) and good has mileage.
I have a 2001 honda accord and for some reason second gear doesn't work at all I have to drive fast up until past 20 mph so that 3rd gear catches. When I put the car on 2 it doesn't move at all… Is there a sensor I could change… I already checked the shifting solenoid and solenoids A and B they're fine. It's just second gear. Does the 2nd gear pressure switch have anything to do with this?