What rims would look good on a 2008 honda accord?
I have a sedan 2008 honda accord and wanted some rims. What rims would look good on it?
I have a sedan 2008 honda accord and wanted some rims. What rims would look good on it?
My 95 Honda accord didn't pass the emissions part of a smog
My car isn't starting. I haven't done anything new, I treat her pretty well. Recently had an oil change and the wheels aligned it was fine for 3 weeks. Now the car isn't starting, we'll the engine isn't purring like it should. It's not the gas and I know it's not the battery. The lights, radio and ac all turn! I know it's not the fuse box either. Any clue what it could be? Trying to fix it myself.
I have a 2002 Honda Accord with a manual transmission. Before any of my problems began, my clutch was perfect, and I was going to need to replace my catalytic converter soon. Anyways, I had my car parked and unused for 2 weeks while I was away on vacation. During those 2 weeks the car was never driven or even turned on. Today when I went to drive it the car struggled to turn on (as I already expected because it hasn't been driven in so long) once I got it started it quickly turned off but on the next try it stayed on. (success!) So I went to drive away and I took my car out of 1st gear, the gear I park it in, and I attempted to put it in reverse but it wouldn't budge… The car would not get out of neutral once I put it in. It wouldn't even let me return it to 1st gear. Help!
I don't know if this is what happens to manual transmission cars after the catalytic converter goes, I know on automatics the car won't even move once that goes. Is it even possible for the catalytic converter to go while the car hasn't even been driven in so long?
I walked out today and happened to see a huge spill of oil under the car. I checked under, the area seemed to be under where the oil pan was. There was what I thought a leak where the bolt was, since I was able to wipe oil off from under it and some more accumulated thereafter. Before adding oil, I checked the level and everything was fine! Just in case the dipstick was lying, I added half a quart and the level had increased, as partaken from the dipstick.
What might be leaking instead? The car was able to turn on normally, gears shifted easy as well as no ringing nor odd sounds as if a car was out of oil. The transmission oil bolts were clean and tight.
I'd like to be able to do this myself, mostly for money reasons, but I need to know where to look because I don't own more than one jack stand currently.
Also to give an idea of how much oil is spilled under the car, imagine a child with a full glass of milk and that child dropped it on the kitchen floor.
I have a 2000 Honda Accord with an auto transmission and I need a part list for an tranny swap?
Added (1). My auto tranny is starting to shift hard and slip into 2nd gear. This is a common problem with sixth gen accords. If you can think of a manual swap part list then I'd very much appreciate it.
I have a 04 Accord with 311K KM on it.
Sometime when I step on the gas, the RPM would barely reach 2200 before the gears shifted. But, Mostly the RPM goes over 3000 before the gears shift from 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd, etc.
I got the transmission fluid changed (with Honda ATF). But this doesn't help with the problem.
Honda Accord, resetting odometer?
Based on reliability, looking cool and good on mpg?
I like the Tiburon, a couple mods (eyelids and rims) and it actually is a really nice car…
The Mazda 3 is sharp and reliable and can get one for a decent price.
The Honda accord is also sharp and reliable.
Difference is basically mileage all are about the same price.
Tiburon = 61,000
Mazda = 92,000
Accord = 108,000
I'm going car shopping this week and I really like coupe styles. But I want a good coupe car. Any suggestions?