What power steering fluid is compatible with a Honda Accord 2005?
I know you need Honda specific power steering liquid, but aside from Honda's P/S fluid, are there any other brands that have P/S fluid that works?
I know you need Honda specific power steering liquid, but aside from Honda's P/S fluid, are there any other brands that have P/S fluid that works?
For about a year now I've occasionally witnessed my speedometer die. Usually for a few seconds though sometimes for a few hours or days. Never was much of an issue until I moved. Recently the speedometer will work for about the first 7/10ths of a mile or more and then die, daily. I'm assuming the instrument cluster is going out yet not quite sure if this is the main cause. Any other ideas?
Added (1). Oops forgot the mention a few things,
M/T (if A/T I'd be unable to drive period with the lack of being able to shift gears)
Dash works perfectly light wise
My dreams of getting a 5.0 from my parents are fading away. So in the mean time, I wanna know some stuff that I can add to my accord to make it sound vicious. Lol and more faster.
How reliable are 1988 Honda Accords?
Added (1). I'm looking at one on Craigslist with 334,000 miles on it. 5 speed manual, body looks ok with little rust and rough paint. Interior looks very clean. If the car turns out to be in good condition, how many more miles could I make it last? How should I maintain it?
Which of these cars have better MPG, are more powerful, and safer on the highway.
Honda Accord 2014
Honda Civic 2014
Toyota Corolla 2014
Chevy Camaro 2014
What does it mean when they it's a cg2 I'm lost please help
How do i turn off the lights on a 2013 honda accord?
I was at a stop light and when the light turned green I started to go and then car just died. I was on a hill so I tried popping the clutch but, nothing happened. I have power, the motor is turning over, and there's gas getting to the motor. I can smell it when I'm trying to start it. It's been 2 days now and still won't start. I've replaced the spark plugs, cap, rotor, and ICM. Still, nothing.
I talked to a lady at Nissan about if I could trade my 98 Honda accord for one of there cars, she asked me how much was i looking to pay a month, long story short on Monday I will be heading up there to see what I can trade it for.
I have the title and all that good stuff so are there any requirements for trading it in? I bought it from a private seller i don't know if that will effect if I can trade it in or not.
Is insuring a honda accord coupe going to be cheaper than say actual sports cars like camaro mustang etc?
Added (1). I'm 17 getting my license and getting a first car my parents are toyota and honda fans because of their reliability they're safety, cheap and i like coupes and came down to a 2011 honda accord coupe v6(dual exhaust)for a ridiculously good price because someone locally needs to get rid of it for a bigger family car however before the honda i wanted the scion frs and insurance was going to be about 3-400 for me a month! Too much so my mom said go with honda coupe they'll be cheaper to insure